Low Readings from Plantower PMS5003

Over the past few weeks, many customers have contacted us with an issue where the PM sensors on their indoor monitors show relatively low concentrations of PM1.0, PM2.5, and PM10 compared to other monitors. At first, we thought this was an isolated issue, but we see it more frequently now and have started investigating this issue.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.airgradient.com/blog/low-readings-from-pms5003/

Thank you for the message.

I just received my Airgradient One today, and thought the readings where incredibly low… Even lower than what famously underreporting Xiaomi air purifier does. It look lighting a flame to get the reading up, but just by a little.

Is there a chance a new Plantower PM module could be better calibrated? I’m glad you are working on a workaround, but if possible I’ll rather fork out for a new sensor now and get it done with. Speaking of which: does the AG One support other readers than the Plantower?

PS: I can send you the serial of my device if it can be of any use, it mainly stays at 0 pm2.5.

Yes, please contact our customer support with your serial number. Many thanks.