AirGradient Forum

Airgradient suddenly unable to connect to wifi

I have had my airgradient running for a few months now on my wifi network, but yesterday it started failing to connect to the wifi (based on the airgradient dashboard I guess around 0230 on the 30th) and I have no idea why. I didn’t change anything on the wifi and neither did I do anything to the airgradient as far as I’m aware.
It is an airgradient one v9, and it just keeps trying to connect to the wifi now. I can log in to the airgradient when it enters the phase where you have 180 s to connect to it, and I can see that all the network details look fine (it can see the wifi network that it should connect to).

I have been debugging this problem for a few hours already and I have no idea what to do here.
I checked my routers event log and there I found the following related to the airgradient (mac address 84:fc:e6:07:6f:e8), but unfortunately it seems to only save log for a short time, which means that it does not have the part where the airgradient first lost connection.

Tue Apr 30 17:32:51 2024 daemon.notice hostapd: wlan0: STA 84:fc:e6:07:6f:e8 IEEE 802.11: authenticated
Tue Apr 30 17:32:51 2024 hostapd: wlan0: STA 84:fc:e6:07:6f:e8 IEEE 802.11: authenticated
Tue Apr 30 17:32:51 2024 daemon.notice hostapd: ssi_signal:-4400
Tue Apr 30 17:32:51 2024 daemon.notice hostapd: wlan0: STA 84:fc:e6:07:6f:e8 IEEE 802.11: associated (aid 3)
Tue Apr 30 17:32:51 2024 hostapd: wlan0: STA 84:fc:e6:07:6f:e8 IEEE 802.11: associated (aid 3)
Tue Apr 30 17:32:51 2024 daemon.notice hostapd: wlan0: AP-STA-CONNECTED 84:fc:e6:07:6f:e8 nr_enabled=0 btm_supported=0 cell_capa=0 SignalStrength=-44 SupportedRates=139 150 130 132 12 24 48 96 108 18 36 72 HT_CAP=116E HT_MCS=FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 assoc_req=00003A016003A6CA7F1284FCE6076FE86003A6CA7F12406631040300000F466C6578696E65742D322E3447487A01088B9682840C18306030140100000FAC040100000FAC040100000FAC02000432046C1224482D1A6E111CFF00000000000000000000000100000000000000000000DD070050F202000100
Tue Apr 30 17:32:51 2024 daemon.notice hostapd: wlan0: STA 84:fc:e6:07:6f:e8 RADIUS: starting accounting session B3BC46D01E21F39F
Tue Apr 30 17:32:51 2024 hostapd: wlan0: STA 84:fc:e6:07:6f:e8 RADIUS: starting accounting session B3BC46D01E21F39F
Tue Apr 30 17:32:51 2024 daemon.notice hostapd: wlan0: STA 84:fc:e6:07:6f:e8 WPA: pairwise key handshake completed (RSN)
Tue Apr 30 17:32:51 2024 hostapd: wlan0: STA 84:fc:e6:07:6f:e8 WPA: pairwise key handshake completed (RSN)
Tue Apr 30 17:32:51 2024 daemon.notice hostapd: ssi_signal:-4100
Tue Apr 30 17:32:51 2024 kern.warn kernel: [  119.607719] [4294949256] mtlkW(_mtlk_core_add_ieee_addr_entry:8360): CID-0000: 84:FC:E6:07:6F:E8 already in widan black list
Tue Apr 30 17:32:52 2024 daemon.notice hostapd: wlan0: AP-STA-DISCONNECTED 84:fc:e6:07:6f:e8
Tue Apr 30 17:32:52 2024 user.warn drvhlpr[6449]: [0357154316] drvhlprW[_mtlk_irba_packet_processor:522]: APP notifications arrived out of order (current SN: 3, received SN: 1)
Tue Apr 30 17:32:52 2024 user.warn drvhlpr[6449]: [0357154771] drvhlprW[_mtlk_irba_packet_processor:522]: APP notifications arrived out of order (current SN: 1, received SN: 4)
Tue Apr 30 17:32:53 2024 user.notice lan-follow-wan: turning ON IPv6 on LAN
Tue Apr 30 17:32:55 2024 user.notice firewall: Reloading firewall due to ifup of wan6 (eth1)
Tue Apr 30 17:32:55 2024 user.notice ddns-scripts[15297]: myddns_ipv4: PID '15297' started at 2024-04-30 17:32
Tue Apr 30 17:32:55 2024 dnsmasq-dhcp[7083]: DHCPDISCOVER(br-lan) 84:fc:e6:07:6f:e8
Tue Apr 30 17:32:55 2024 dnsmasq-dhcp[7083]: DHCPOFFER(br-lan) 84:fc:e6:07:6f:e8
Tue Apr 30 17:32:55 2024 daemon.warn dnsmasq-dhcp[7083]: Error sending DHCP packet to Operation not permitted
Tue Apr 30 17:32:55 2024 dnsmasq[7083]: read /etc/hosts - 4 addresses
Tue Apr 30 17:32:55 2024 dnsmasq[7083]: read /tmp/hosts/odhcpd - 0 addresses
Tue Apr 30 17:32:55 2024 dnsmasq[7083]: read /tmp/hosts/dhcp.cfg02411c - 2 addresses
Tue Apr 30 17:32:55 2024 daemon.err dnsmasq-dhcp[7083]: failed to read /etc/ethers: No such file or directory
Tue Apr 30 17:32:55 2024 user.warn ddns-scripts[15297]: myddns_ipv4: Service section disabled! - TERMINATE
Tue Apr 30 17:32:55 2024 user.warn ddns-scripts[15297]: myddns_ipv4: PID '15297' exit WITH ERROR '1' at 2024-04-30 17:32
Tue Apr 30 17:32:57 2024 daemon.err hostapd: nl80211: sending/receiving GET_STA_MEASUREMENTS failed: -14 (Bad address)
Tue Apr 30 17:32:57 2024 kern.warn kernel: [  125.471697] [4294949843] mtlkW(_mtlk_core_get_station_measurements:16026): CID-0000: station 84:FC:E6:07:6F:E8 not found
Tue Apr 30 17:32:57 2024 daemon.err hostapd: nl80211: sending/receiving GET_STA_MEASUREMENTS failed: -14 (Bad address)
Tue Apr 30 17:32:57 2024 kern.warn kernel: [  125.499875] [4294949845] mtlkW(_mtlk_core_get_station_measurements:16026): CID-0000: station 84:FC:E6:07:6F:E8 not found
Tue Apr 30 17:32:58 2024 daemon.notice hostapd: wlan2: DFS-CAC-COMPLETED success=1 freq=5280 ht_enabled=0 chan_offset=0 chan_width=3 cf1=5290 cf2=0 timeout=60

Notably it says something about the device being added to widan blacklist though I have no idea what that is, and when I search online nothing seems to pop up either. Any suggestions on what I could try?

@Tue which firmware version are you running on? You can flash the latest one here:

If the problem still exist, then send the log file from the monitor.

@Achim_AirGradient I am not quite sure which version I am using, but I did install the latest firmware when I first setup the device about 2-3 months ago. I will check the device once I am home and update on this.

Thank you for your prompt reply.

I updated the firmware to the latest version 3.0.9 and reset the device while doing that. The firmware update went without any problem, but unfortunately it still could not connect to my wifi afterwards. While I can connect with all my other devices to the wifi without any problem I suspect this is some sort of problem with my router rather than the airgradient and as such I have reached out to my ISP to get some insight on the routers log.

I took a logfile from the airgradient as you asked which contains:

PM1 ug/m3: 49
PM2.5 ug/m3: 73
PM10 ug/m3: 78
PM0.3 Count: 4370
Temperature in C: 25.02
Relative Humidity: 46

TVOC index: 109
TVOC raw: 30740
NOx index: 1
NOx raw: 15117

TVOC index: 110
TVOC raw: 30736
NOx index: 1
NOx raw: 15117

PM1 ug/m3: 49
PM2.5 ug/m3: 73
PM10 ug/m3: 77
PM0.3 Count: 4352
Display show error: WiFi N/A
CO2 (ppm): 616
Temperature in C: 25.07
Relative Humidity: 46

TVOC index: 111
TVOC raw: 30729
NOx index: 1
NOx raw: 15121

TVOC index: 111
TVOC raw: 30735
NOx index: 1
NOx raw: 15115

PM1 ug/m3: 49
PM2.5 ug/m3: 73
PM10 ug/m3: 78
PM0.3 Count: 4343
Temperature in C: 25.06
Relative Humidity: 46
Display show error: WiFi N/A

TVOC index: 111
TVOC raw: 30735
NOx index: 1
NOx raw: 15110

TVOC index: 112
TVOC raw: 30735
NOx index: 1
NOx raw: 15116
CO2 (ppm): 617

PM1 ug/m3: 48
PM2.5 ug/m3: 73
PM10 ug/m3: 78
PM0.3 Count: 4335
Temperature in C: 25.03
Relative Humidity: 46
Display show error: WiFi N/A

TVOC index: 112
TVOC raw: 30742
NOx index: 1
NOx raw: 15109

TVOC index: 112
TVOC raw: 30735
NOx index: 1
NOx raw: 15105

PM1 ug/m3: 49
PM2.5 ug/m3: 74
PM10 ug/m3: 79
PM0.3 Count: 4326
Temperature in C: 25.03
Relative Humidity: 46

TVOC index: 112
TVOC raw: 30739
NOx index: 1
NOx raw: 15108
Display show error: WiFi N/A
CO2 (ppm): 619

PM1 ug/m3: 49
PM2.5 ug/m3: 74
PM10 ug/m3: 79
PM0.3 Count: 4326
Temperature in C: 25.03
Relative Humidity: 46

TVOC index: 112
TVOC raw: 30737
NOx index: 1
NOx raw: 15106

TVOC index: 112
TVOC raw: 30732
NOx index: 1
NOx raw: 15102
Display show error: WiFi N/A

PM1 ug/m3: 48
PM2.5 ug/m3: 73
PM10 ug/m3: 78
PM0.3 Count: 4335
Temperature in C: 25.04
Relative Humidity: 46

TVOC index: 112
TVOC raw: 30728
NOx index: 1
NOx raw: 15099

TVOC index: 112
TVOC raw: 30737
NOx index: 1
NOx raw: 15109
Display show error: WiFi N/A
CO2 (ppm): 620

PM1 ug/m3: 49
PM2.5 ug/m3: 74
PM10 ug/m3: 79
PM0.3 Count: 4342
Temperature in C: 25.04
Relative Humidity: 46

TVOC index: 112
TVOC raw: 30740
NOx index: 1
NOx raw: 15103

TVOC index: 112
TVOC raw: 30746
NOx index: 1
NOx raw: 15100

PM1 ug/m3: 49
PM2.5 ug/m3: 74
PM10 ug/m3: 80
PM0.3 Count: 4363
Temperature in C: 25.07
Relative Humidity: 46
Display show error: WiFi N/A

TVOC index: 112
TVOC raw: 30731
NOx index: 1
NOx raw: 15095

TVOC index: 112
TVOC raw: 30731
NOx index: 1
NOx raw: 15099
Build:Feb  7 2021
Saved PC:0x420696ee
mode:DIO, clock div:1
entry 0x403cc710
Serial nr: 84fce6076fe8
Server configuration: 
inF: false
inUSAQI: false
useRGBLedBar: 2
MQTT Broker: 
S8 calibration period: -1
Firmware Version: 3.0.9
*wm:Connecting to SAVED AP: Flexinet-2.4GHz
*wm:connectTimeout not set, ESP waitForConnectResult... 
*wm:AutoConnect: FAILED for  22214 ms
*wm:StartAP with SSID:  airgradient-84fce6076fe8
*wm:AP IP address:
*wm:Starting Web Portal 
*wm:3 networks found
*wm:Connecting to NEW AP: Flexinet-2.4GHz
*wm:connectTimeout not set, ESP waitForConnectResult... 
*wm:[ERROR] Connect to new AP Failed 
*wm:config portal has timed out 
Display show error: WiFi N/A
Display show error: WiFi N/A
CO2 (ppm): 714

PM1 ug/m3: 50
PM2.5 ug/m3: 75
PM10 ug/m3: 83
PM0.3 Count: 4445
Temperature in C: 24.94
Relative Humidity: 47

TVOC index: 107
TVOC raw: 30674
NOx index: 1
NOx raw: 15117

External watchdog feed

TVOC index: 107
TVOC raw: 30674
NOx index: 1
NOx raw: 15117

PM1 ug/m3: 50
PM2.5 ug/m3: 75
PM10 ug/m3: 82
PM0.3 Count: 4460
Temperature in C: 24.91
Relative Humidity: 47

TVOC index: 107
TVOC raw: 30686
NOx index: 1
NOx raw: 15117
Display show error: WiFi N/A

TVOC index: 106
TVOC raw: 30680
NOx index: 1
NOx raw: 15120
CO2 (ppm): 707

PM1 ug/m3: 48
PM2.5 ug/m3: 68
PM10 ug/m3: 77
PM0.3 Count: 4117
Temperature in C: 24.93
Relative Humidity: 47

TVOC index: 106
TVOC raw: 30679
NOx index: 1
NOx raw: 15114
Display show error: WiFi N/A

TVOC index: 106
TVOC raw: 30671
NOx index: 1
NOx raw: 15121
Build:Feb  7 2021
Saved PC:0x4208f606
mode:DIO, clock div:1
entry 0x403cc710
Serial nr: 84fce6076fe8
Server configuration: 
inF: false
inUSAQI: false
useRGBLedBar: 2
MQTT Broker: 
S8 calibration period: -1
Firmware Version: 3.0.9
*wm:Connecting to SAVED AP: Flexinet-2.4GHz
*wm:connectTimeout not set, ESP waitForConnectResult...

From what I can see there isn’t much information about why the airgradient fails, which is to be expected if it is indeed a fault in the router rather than the airgradient.

I will report back if I figure out anything more.

Also try resetting your router/wireless if you haven’t done that yet while you wait for a response

It cannot connect to your router. Are you sure you put in the correct password in the WiFi manager?

I’ve experienced the same problem with an outdoor unit. It was working fine for months, but now failing.

I’m absolutely certain the SSID and password are correct. I’ve upgraded to the latest firmware. The log file says the unit is trying to connect to the correct SSID but failing. It’s odd that it can’t connect to the WiFi network but can go into hotspot mode for setting the credentials.

Is there some way to debug the unit and see what credentials it is actually using?

Have you tried restarting your wireless access point or router?
I’ve had random issues where only my AirGradients have trouble connecting, while nothing else in the house has a problem, but a restart of my Unifi APs resolves it

Bingo. Resetting the dhcp router fixed it. I have forty other devices on the network, none of which have had this problem. I know that routers remember previously assigned IPs and try to offer them again. I wonder if there’s something about the dhcp negotiation that the air gradient software trips over.