AirGradient Forum

WLAN connection to or from Airgradient ONE stopped working

I was using an Airgradient One for maybe a year or so. After a power outage it stopped connecting to my local WIFI. (My WIFI works fine for other devices, this includes my outdoor Airgradient as well.)

Power cycling did not help.
I tried to connect to the temporary AP provided by the Airgradient device directly from a Windows laptop, but it did not work.
I tried the same from a Linux device, and I get the following logs:

[ 466.650787] wlp61s0: authenticate with 84:fc:e6:12:e5:c5 (local address=18:56:80:2c:15:73)
[ 466.652191] wlp61s0: send auth to 84:fc:e6:12:e5:c5 (try 1/3)
[ 466.666255] wlp61s0: authenticated
[ 466.666611] wlp61s0: associate with 84:fc:e6:12:e5:c5 (try 1/3)
[ 466.670520] wlp61s0: RX AssocResp from 84:fc:e6:12:e5:c5 (capab=0x431 status=0 aid=1)
[ 466.676254] wlp61s0: associated
[ 470.672360] wlp61s0: deauthenticated from 84:fc:e6:12:e5:c5 (Reason: 15=4WAY_HANDSHAKE_TIMEOUT)

I have upgraded to the latest firmware 3.1.4, but it did not help.

Iā€™m probably not the only one with this issue, I ve found here something similar, but there is no solution in this topic:

Any ideas please?


No one with a similar issue? It does not look to me like a HW failure, so probably others must have encountered this bug as well?

Hi @Petrus !

Have you tried performing a factory reset on your monitor?

Thanks! Of course I tried a reset a few times. That did not help and I lost my patience for a while.
Now I took the time again and flashed 3.1.9 per USB onto the device.
It works again!

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