Well I’m stumped at the moment. After printing and installing the enclosure yesterday, which you can see my mods I shared here , I had it plugged in and all was working just fine, I slid the cover over the LCD and went to bed. This morning I wake up, slide the cover and…no display! I checked the power supply and it was good, the orange LED on the CO2 sensor was blinking as was the WEMOS blue LED so everything was getting power. I moved the device to my PC where I watched it all working in serial monitor. Data output is as expected. The whole assembly has been working just fine for days. Any thoughts on why the OLED would just up and die?
09:52:57.732 -> ⸮⸮CO2 Successfully Initialized. Heating up for 10s
09:53:08.582 -> *WM: [1] AutoConnect
09:53:08.582 -> *WM: [2] Connecting as wifi client...
09:53:08.582 -> *WM: [3] STA static IP:
09:53:08.629 -> *WM: [2] setSTAConfig static ip not set, skipping
09:53:08.676 -> *WM: [1] Connecting to SAVED AP:
09:53:08.722 -> *WM: [3] Using Password:
09:53:08.768 -> *WM: [3] WiFi station enable
09:53:08.815 -> *WM: [3] enableSTA PERSISTENT ON
09:53:08.815 -> *WM: [1] connectTimeout not set, ESP waitForConnectResult...
09:53:08.907 -> *WM: [2] Connection result: WL_CONNECTED
09:53:08.953 -> *WM: [3] lastconxresult: WL_CONNECTED
09:53:09.000 -> *WM: [1] AutoConnect: SUCCESS
09:53:09.045 -> *WM: [1] STA IP Address:
09:53:09.045 -> *WM: [3] unloading
09:53:20.101 -> {"wifi":-30,"pm02":0,"rco2":853,"atmp":23.90,"rhum":43}
09:53:20.146 -> http://hw.airgradient.com/sensors/airgradient:xxxxx/measures
09:53:20.703 -> 200
09:53:20.703 -> {"timestamp":1650981200000,"date":"09:53:20","pm02":0,"pm02_clr":"green","pm02_lbl":"Good","pm02_idx":1,"pm02_raw":1,"pi02":0,"pi02_min":0,"pi02_max":0,"pi02_clr":"green","pi02_lbl":"Good","pi02_idx":1,"atmp":23.9,"rhum":43,"rco2":853,"rco2_clr":"yellow","rco2_lbl":"Good","rco2_idx":2,"wifi":-30,"heatindex":23.9,"heatindex_clr":"green","heatindex_lbl":"Good","heatindex_idx":1,"heat_index_fahrenheit":75,"heat_index_celsius":23.9,"atmp_fahrenheit":75,"c19_score":3,"c19_score_lbl":"medium"}
09:53:51.211 -> {"wifi":-28,"pm02":0,"rco2":1836,"atmp":23.90,"rhum":38}
09:53:51.257 -> http://hw.airgradient.com/sensors/airgradient:xxxxxx/measures
09:53:51.760 -> 200
09:53:51.760 -> {"timestamp":1650981231000,"date":"09:53:51","pm02":0,"pm02_clr":"green","pm02_lbl":"Good","pm02_idx":1,"pm02_raw":1,"pi02":0,"pi02_min":0,"pi02_max":0,"pi02_clr":"green","pi02_lbl":"Good","pi02_idx":1,"atmp":23.9,"rhum":38,"rco2":1836,"rco2_clr":"red","rco2_lbl":"Poor","rco2_idx":4,"wifi":-28,"heatindex":23.9,"heatindex_clr":"green","heatindex_lbl":"Good","heatindex_idx":1,"heat_index_fahrenheit":75,"heat_index_celsius":23.9,"atmp_fahrenheit":75,"c19_score":6,"c19_score_lbl":"medium"}