How to turn off blue LED on pre-built outdoor unit?

Tried going into the dashboard and selecting LED Off but that had no effect.

That functionality isn’t available just yet, even though there is a checkbox for it. Here is a discussion about it, including how to use the Config button on the back of the device to disable it

That is for the indoor unit. I am asking about the blue LED on the bottom of the outdoor unit.

Ah yes, you are correct. My mistake.

If you have model with dual PM2.5 sensors (1PP) you can edit the arudino code. Where you see switchLED(true); that is the command to turn on the LED. You could remove this line or put // in front of it to comment it out. Looks like it should blink when it sends data to the AirGradient Dashboard

arduino/examples/DIY_OUTDOOR_C3_1PP/DIY_OUTDOOR_C3_1PP.ino at master · airgradienthq/arduino (

I don’t see the same function for the Open Air with CO2 monitoring, so not entirely sure what it is doing.

I personally have the one with CO2 but using ESPHome with it and have the LED disabled

Hi @MallocArray

Clicked your link and got a 404… I’ve cloned the repo and searched inside for switchLED

> git clone
Cloning into 'arduino'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 1971, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (1205/1205), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (417/417), done.
remote: Total 1971 (delta 758), reused 1038 (delta 617), pack-reused 766
Receiving objects: 100% (1971/1971), 3.43 MiB | 6.00 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (948/948), done.
> cd arduino/
(master)> git status
On branch master
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'.

nothing to commit, working tree clean
(master)> grep switchLED ./* -R
(master) [1]> 

… can you expand a bit more?

I am new to this, but I’m mainly thinking of the insects here. This thing will be full of them come summer otherwise.

They apparently restructured the folders and have undergone significant rewrites.

There is one folder for only the OpenAir and a second one that is combined for the ONE indoor model and the Open Air outdoor model.

I didn’t see the setting for the on-board LED off-hand, but I don’t use the Arduino code, and it is getting more and more complex, so I’m not going to set aside the time to dig into it at this time.

Yes we currently do an extensive rewrite in order to deliver long awaited features. The current sprint is about moving code from the example sketch into the library. This should make the code much more readable and also better understand the LED functions.