AirGradient Forum

CO2 readings stop working "Get CO2 failed"

For the last many months I’ve had to frequently power cycle my AG ONE I-9PSL unit when the CO2 readings stop working. Sometimes it comes back on its own by restarting, but I usually find it in the pictured state and power cycle it.

I finally unmounted it from the wall to get logs and the only thing that’s showing up is the line “Get CO2 failed” and an incrementing count. Before that…works fine. At some point it just stops working.

The only reference that I can find online is this post about elevation compensation. I live at 3123ft (~950m). I can understand the compensation affecting the reading, but the sensor should continue to function shouldn’t it?



TVOC index: 72
TVOC raw: 31394
NOx index: 1
NOx raw: 16356
CO2 (ppm): 1281

PM1 ug/m3: 0
PM2.5 ug/m3: 0
PM10 ug/m3: 0
PM0.3 Count: 0
PM firmware version: 151

TVOC index: 73
TVOC raw: 31384
NOx index: 1
NOx raw: 16348
Temperature in C: 20.86
Relative Humidity: 33
Temperature compensated in C: 20.86
Relative Humidity compensated: 33

TVOC index: 73
TVOC raw: 31376
NOx index: 1
NOx raw: 16354

PM1 ug/m3: 0
PM2.5 ug/m3: 0
PM10 ug/m3: 0
PM0.3 Count: 0
PM firmware version: 151

TVOC index: 74
TVOC raw: 31383
NOx index: 1
NOx raw: 16350
Temperature in C: 20.87
Relative Humidity: 33
Temperature compensated in C: 20.87
Relative Humidity compensated: 33

TVOC index: 74
TVOC raw: 31392
NOx index: 1
NOx raw: 16352
CO2 (ppm): 1280

PM1 ug/m3: 0
PM2.5 ug/m3: 0
PM10 ug/m3: 0
PM0.3 Count: 0
PM firmware version: 151

TVOC index: 75
TVOC raw: 31372
NOx index: 1
NOx raw: 16351
Temperature in C: 20.86
Relative Humidity: 33
Temperature compensated in C: 20.86
Relative Humidity compensated: 33

TVOC index: 75
TVOC raw: 31384
NOx index: 1
NOx raw: 16351

PM1 ug/m3: 0
PM2.5 ug/m3: 0
PM10 ug/m3: 0
PM0.3 Count: 0
PM firmware version: 151

TVOC index: 75
TVOC raw: 31385
NOx index: 1
NOx raw: 16353
Temperature in C: 20.86
Relative Humidity: 33
Temperature compensated in C: 20.86
Relative Humidity compensated: 33

TVOC index: 76
TVOC raw: 31395
NOx index: 1
NOx raw: 16351
CO2 (ppm): 1280

PM1 ug/m3: 0
PM2.5 ug/m3: 0
PM10 ug/m3: 0
PM0.3 Count: 0
PM firmware version: 151

TVOC index: 76
TVOC raw: 31395
NOx index: 1
NOx raw: 16353
Temperature in C: 20.83
Relative Humidity: 33
Temperature compensated in C: 20.83
Relative Humidity compensated: 33

TVOC index: 76
TVOC raw: 31389
NOx index: 1
NOx raw: 16356

PM1 ug/m3: 0
PM2.5 ug/m3: 0
PM10 ug/m3: 0
PM0.3 Count: 0
PM firmware version: 151

TVOC index: 77
TVOC raw: 31391
NOx index: 1
NOx raw: 16357
Temperature in C: 20.85
Relative Humidity: 33
Temperature compensated in C: 20.85
Relative Humidity compensated: 33

TVOC index: 77
TVOC raw: 31391
NOx index: 1
NOx raw: 16358
Get CO2 failed: 1

PM1 ug/m3: 0
PM2.5 ug/m3: 0
PM10 ug/m3: 0
PM0.3 Count: 0
PM firmware version: 151
Temperature in C: 20.87
Relative Humidity: 33
Temperature compensated in C: 20.87
Relative Humidity compensated: 33

TVOC index: 79
TVOC raw: 31394
NOx index: 1
NOx raw: 16351
Last process timeout, clear buffer and last handle package

TVOC index: 80
TVOC raw: 31398
NOx index: 1
NOx raw: 16358

PM1 ug/m3: 0
PM2.5 ug/m3: 0
PM10 ug/m3: 0
PM0.3 Count: 0
PM firmware version: 151
Temperature in C: 20.85
Relative Humidity: 33
Temperature compensated in C: 20.85
Relative Humidity compensated: 33

TVOC index: 80
TVOC raw: 31401
NOx index: 1
NOx raw: 16355

TVOC index: 80
TVOC raw: 31403
NOx index: 1
NOx raw: 16357
Get CO2 failed: 2

Please contact our customer support on this.

1 Like

It seems I have a similar error on my airgradient one. Today it showed very low (45 to 65) CO2 values. After I restarted it it shows the same CO2 — as the OP’s airgradient. It is only 6 weeks old. What should I do?

I contacted support, as was suggested to the OP.

Did you try a manual CO2 calibration from the dashboard?

There has not been a change from my side, either in hardware or software or position. Why would I try to calibrate now? It took 8 hours for the sensor to “catch itself”, showing no or too low values. Now the last 8 hours look relatively “normal” in gain and values. I keep an eye on it and reply again if something out of order happens, like yesterday.

And here is the chart of the last 24 hours. See the choppiness since 9pm after the “closed window” phase.