AirGradient PRO PCB Update Review

What procotol is this latest oard using to talk to the PM sensor? UART, i2c, pwm?

The PM sensor we use can only understand UART (via software serial library on the D1 mini).

Looks cool, thanks! I Found this manual

is it the final version? I want to build myself a new version.

About TVOC. I have not yet deeply studied the instructions, maybe I missed something, I did not find instructions for self-production of the module. Can I buy the sensor myself
for example this:
and build my own module for TVOC?

I understand, these sensors from ali are already suitable, just needs to look for suitable contacts and resistors.

Yes 4.2 is the latest version.

Please note that if you want to use 3rd party TVOC modules you might need to remove the pull up resistors to make it work.

Thanks for the replies, it’s a pity I can’t order a DIY kit (no shipping to my country).

Hi @Achim_AirGradient

just wanted to ask if you have an estimation for when the improved version will be available as pre-soldered dyi kit? I also know that you mentioned somewhere that you want to sell off the remaining stock first. So probably you can’t make any promises at all regarding timeline, just would appreciate your current guess.

Thank you!


We already have it available and ship it on special request. So if you order the old version, please send me an email via our support form and request the new PCB.

So, if I want to add a pro pcb to my outdoor unit order, I just put it in the comments?

@BobInYeg Yes, this is how you can do it.

@Achim_AirGradient any update on when a pcb upgrade kit for existing DIY Pro kits might be available?

The reason we did not put the 4.2 upgrade into the shop is that we work on a 5.0 PCB that would be a major upgrade with the ESP-32-C3 chip and some other new features. We just started testing that new board and if things go well it should be available in a few weeks.

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Hi Achim!

Do you have any updates on when DIY Pro on 5.0 PCB / ESP-32-C3 would be available for order?

If all goes well in probably 4-6 weeks.

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Oh, and I recently assembled v4.2.
It works, by the way, well, I’m happy, thanks for the designed it!
I found out that the air in my bedroom needs to be ventilated more often.

I was about to buy a couple additional AirGradient indoor kits.

(I have some previous Indoor Pro 4.2 kits that I bought, and need to solder…)

However, I see above there is some new Indoor Pro 5.0 coming out? That seems pretty exciting :grinning:.


  1. Is there any information on what the new improvements in 5.0 will be please?
  2. what is the latest ETA? I assume if I am about to order a few Indoor Pros right now, I should wait a bit of time before ordering, to get the new version?
  3. Is there any way to upgrade the exisiting Indoor Pro 4.2 units to 5.0 easily?
  4. I noticed on the shop that there is no longer an unsoldered kit available to order. Is that an intentional decision? Or is it just related to the new 5.0 PCBs arriving?


Victor, thank you for raising all these important questions. I started to write on a newsletter that would cover most of them but here are already the details:

  1. Version 5 Improvements will be:
  • Switch to ESP32-C3 module directly on the PCB (same as the outdoor PCB)
  • Components now SMD assembled
  • Includes 11 RGB LEDs that can shine through the enclosure (or kept switched off)
  • Improved PCB airgap to temperature sensor
  • External hardware watchdog for long uptime
  • JST plug for breakout pins

Here a two pictures of the new board:

  1. ETA is unclear. We are just producing the first batch and I expect them next week but we will not immediately put them for sale as we want to first test them throuroughly and also send for CE, ROHS and REACH certifications. If all goes well probably early October.

  2. Yes, all sensor modules are compatible with the new board and we will put the board up for purchase on our shop with a special discount for people who bought the previous versions

  3. We took the unsoldered kit out of the shop for the moment because we had a number of people that overestimated their soldering skills and could not solder it properly. Then the monitor did not work and the people got frustrated. I feel pretty bad if people spend quite some money on the kit and then it does not work. I would love to bring it back. Maybe with a large disclaimer about the soldering skills needed?

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Thanks @Achim_AirGradient for the quick response!

  1. Wow - those boards look very pretty =). Can’t wait to see them! The extra LEDs sound neat - is that for some kind of traffic light system on AQ, or some other kind of functionality?
  2. October isn’t too far away - I can wait till then hopefully, haha. (I’m also happy to put in an order now, if that helps with predicting demand ? Would I be able to put a note to hold off shipping, till 5.0?)
  3. Just to confirm - you mentioned above that all components are SMD soldered? How would we upgrade existing 4.2 units to 5.0 - do we just swap the entire PCB in, with all the components on it? Or are there still parts that are modular, or soldered on?
    Also - the new LEDs on version 5.0 - I assume the old 4.2 plastic enclosures won’t have cutouts or light-pipes for that, will they? Should we also buy new 5.0 plastic enclosures?
    (I do appreciate you looking after your existing/previous customers!)
  4. Yes, that makes sense. You mentioned components are now SMD soldered - what parts would still need to be through-hole soldered for DIY?
  1. Yes it is a traffic light indicator. Can be used for any air parameter. In our old commercial product we use it for PM and CO2 (can be changed on the server) but I am curious what kind of application the community comes up with.
  2. Yes we might start some kind of pre-order. I want to wait until next week when I get the first boards in hand.
  3. Yes just swap the entire PCB in, then move the sensor modules to the new board. So you then only have “left” the old PCB and 4.2. board.
    Most of the enclosures we shipped do have thinned areas for the LEDs already but some do not. So this needs to be checked and we might offer one upgrade kit with enclosure and one without.
  4. I think only the pin holders and some connectors are TH.

I would love to see an upgrade kit of some sort, or even just the ability to piece it together from accessories and spares in your online shop. I’ve got a trio of v3.3 boards that are ready to be upgraded when v5 drops.

Yes we will 100% offer an upgrade kit.

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