AirGradient Forum

AirGradient Open Data Survey Results: How our Community wants to Share their Air Quality Data

For around a year we have been in touch with another monitor manufacturer that produces its own monitors but also runs a very popular map application. It seems that they are happily using our data (completely for free from now more than 1000 monitors) but when I recently asked them to share the data from their own monitors they refused.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

This is a super important topic for us here at AirGradient and Iā€™d like to thank all of the people that took part in the survey. We will keep you updated once we tweak the data sharing options to reflect the clear opinion from the community.


This was super interesting! Thanks for sharing. I enjoyed reading it. It feels important to me that Air Gradient is taking this all into consideration and being transparent!