AirGradient Forum

Wired connection

Is there any guide to connect the airgradient to a laptop directly? Can I get this out of the box? or it will require parts & soldering?
Also, is there a way to completely remove the wifi functionality?

The new firmware that we are rolling out in a few days has an offline mode. The USB cable sends debug messages through the serial interface and this could be read out by the laptop.

amazing! thanks for that!!

will that be possible to do on an older air gradient device? (DIY-Pro-Kit-Pre-Soldered-version-3-7)

The new firmware has some limited backwards compatibility but because the esp8266 of the old boards is much less powerful and has limited storage many of the new features are currently not supported.
You can purchase the new board in our online shop and upgrade the device. This will make things much easier.

Oh thats very unfortunate… what is the limitation here? Hardware or the software support?
If its the hardware, can it be replaced with a new part + soldering?

I wouldnt want to waste this one if possible, do you have a return program? (return the old one and get the new one with a discount)

Is probably a limitation of both. Hardware and software.

You can just order a new board from our shop. I don’t think it makes ecological sense to send the old board back to us to Thailand but you can keep it as a spare part or use it as a second sensor.

Depending on how far down the rabbit hole you want to go, you can check out the ESPHome integration which has a lot of features and supports both the original and newer boards.