Which D1 Version?

Hiya folks! I just learned about this project - it’s so cool! I’m going to source some Aliexpress parts and build my own basic sensor. The Wemos D1 link on the instructions page has 8 variants. Does it matter which I buy? I poked around the forum a bit but didn’t see a preexisting post on first pass. Apologies if I missed it.

Thanks in advance

I believe the equivalent to what comes with the kits is “D1 MINI V3.0.0” which has a Micro-USB port on it. In the future I’ll probably be buying “D1 MINI V4 TYPE-C” so I have the USB-C port on the D1 itself.

Are you building the DIY kit where you plug directly into the D1 board, or the Pro, where you’ll use the USB-C port on the circuit board to power the chip?

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Hi ichiban!

I got my AliExpress parts this week and also received the PCB boards I made from the Gerber file for the DIY Pro. I bought this D1 “WEMOS D1 Mini V4.0.0 TYPE-C USB” and confirm is works no problems.

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Yes that’s the correct model. In general I believe all D1 Minis have the same pin layout and should all work.

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Thanks all! I appreciate the responses.