AirGradient Forum

The correction formula for humidity isn't quite right


I’m writing here to start a discussion and keep a record on the accuracy of the correction formula for humidity in outdoor AG units.

Now that there are freezing temperatures at night, it is becoming increasingly obvious that the humidity correction formula isn’t quite spot-on, especially as the real conditions approach 100% RH. Furthermore, it does not seem to be wrong in a consistent direction. Rather, what I’m seeing is that through most of the range the corrected RH overestimates the real humidity above freezing temperatures and begins underestimating it as the real conditions approach RH 95+% at below zero. Since the humidity is in turn used to correct SGP41 readings, those then get slightly skewed as well.

There are a couple of indicators leading me to think that the correction is off, rather than that there are real differences in humidity between two sensors. First and foremost, I’m pretty close to a reference weather station (within 10km) and the results between the two rarely agree (although they do agree with my other sensors quite often). But this is not co-located, so I can’t really derive any proof from that. What I do have is a colocated SHT45 that I use to calculate the specific humidity with. For instance: Now that it is freezing outdoors and all other sources are claiming RH=100% I’m seeing the AG under-report RH by a full 4%:

Temperature °C RH% Dew Point °C AG RH Raw % AG RH% AG Dew Point °C SHT 45 RH% SHT 45 Dew Point °C
-1.4 100 -1.4 70.5 96.09 -1.88 100% -1.4

From hereon I’m going to use absolute (specific) humidity in g/kg for comparisons, as that’s the data I have easiest time wrapping my head around, and because for the most part it is a temperature-agnostic measurement (and so should come out to ~same even if two sensors measure a different RH% due to slight temperature differences; though again I’m seeing AG’s corrected temperature to be extremely accurate.)

In order to compute specific humidity from the temperature and RH% AG measures, I use the following formulae:

// t is the measured (corrected) temperature, p is atmospheric pressure, rh is relative humidity

const MH2O = 18.01534;        // molar mass of water in g/mol
const Mdry = 28.9644;         // molar mass of dry air in g/mol

const pwat = 6.107799961 + t * (4.436518521e-1 + t * (1.428945805e-2 + t * (2.650648471e-4 + t * (3.031240396e-6 + t * (2.034080948e-8 + t * 6.136820929e-11)))));
const pice = 6.109177956 + t * (5.034698970e-1 + t * (1.886013408e-2 + t * (4.176223716e-4 + t * (5.824720280e-6 + t * (4.838803174e-8 + t * 1.838826904e-10)))));
// H2O saturation pressure from Lowe & Ficke, 1974
const psat = min(pwat, pice);
const p_h2o = psat * rh / 100;
const vmr = p_h2o / p;
const specific_humidity = vmr * MH2O / (vmr * MH2O + (1.0 - vmr) * Mdry);

Without further ado, here’s a graph of humidity measurements from AG in blue and a co-located SHT45 in yellow:

or in as a delta between the two lines:

In the delta graph the values above zero here indicate higher specific humidity (and thus in turn RH%) being reported than by my collocated “reference” and values below zero indicate lower RH%.

One insight I have is that these absolute humidity delta (gray) variations do appear to correlate well (to my eyeball) with temperature (red) changes and that the two sensors start agreeing on the humidity at around 3°C, but then there are also plenty of exceptions:

Frankly I have no idea what conclusions here are at this point and I have no suggestions as to how the humidity correction might be improved. But it is pretty clear that it may need to incorporate the temperature somehow.

(Background: O1-PST built from a kit, I’m using an ESPHome based firmware, using the published correction formulae)

All that said, the correction is pretty good at bringing the measures closer to reality. The raw temperature/humidity measurements from PMS5003T are so off that somehow even the absolute humidity numbers derived from these raw values come out wrong, even though absolute humidity should remain ~same regardless of the measurement environment so long as the water isn’t being condensed as part of the measurement process.

If anybody’s curious, this is what the graph with absolute humidity computed from raw temperature/humidity comes out to look like (in green) vs. SHT45 (in yellow):

Thanks for sharing this. I assume you saw the presentation that Anika made about the development of this algorithm.

In the meantime we found out that it appears that there is a deviation in the temperature sensors within the Plantower batches and that also the installation of the monitor, primarily its exposure to sunlight and wind has an effect on the accuracy of the compensation formula.

So I believe we will revisit the formula at some point and see if we can make it more accurate.

I assume you saw the presentation that Anika made about the development of this algorithm.

I’ve seen this deck in the past, but had forgotten about it by the time I started this thread :slight_smile:

primarily its exposure to sunlight and wind has an effect on the accuracy of the compensation formula.

I’d be really curious to hear how are you thinking of compensating for direct sunlight exposure, especially given the design of the enclosure which, honestly, is a heat trap: all of the cavities are at the bottom of the device. It helps somewhat that the PMS5003T has a fan to force some airflow to PMS’ sensors, but that airflow is entirely within the confines of PMS (the fresh air enters through the bottom and exits back through the bottom rather than e.g. into the enclosure.) The increased “ambient” temperature within the enclosure is sure to have an effect on the temperature measurements of PMS5003T.

All that said, again, absolute humidity has this nice property of being temperature idempotent. Yes, the sensor being in direct sunlight will affect both the temperature measurements in upwards direction and the relative humidity measurements in downwards direction, but in principle the absolute humidity of the environments remains roughly the same.

If the raw temperature and humidity measurements from AG weren’t the nonsense they are, in principle it would have been straightforward to get correct RH by first obtaining the absolute (specific) humidity and then converting it back to relative humidity at whatever the corrected temperature is. What really surprises me is that this is not the case. Makes me really wonder what exactly is the reason for the raw measurements being so off in outdoor units when they appear to be doing fine in the indoor units. Is it because of air re-circulation?


Thank you for doing and sharing this analysis! Please find some thoughts below.

I agree: your absolute humidity delta (gray) appears to correlate with temperature. However, I believe this relationship is limited to correlation rather than causation. Note that surrounding surfaces become colder as temperature decreases. In response, gaseous water can condense on these surfaces, in which case the absolute humidity decreases and the absolute deviation between both sensors decreases as well. On the other side, increasing temperatures can cause condensed water to evaporate again, which increases absolute humidity.

Most techniques to measure airbrone humidity rely on the condensation of gaseous water, which directly links to relative humidity and indirectly to absolute. In other words, hygrometers usually measure relative and not absolute humidity. Absolute humidity can be derived mathematically based on relative humidity (as you did). It can be circular reasoning to correct relative humidity based on absolute humidity, which in turn is calculated with relative humidity.

I went through your formulae and if I’m correct, then the y axis of your specific humidity is in g/kg. The reported values range between 3 and 11 g/kg with a discrepancy between both sensors of around -0.2 to 0.6 g/kg. On average, I interpret a relative deviation of around 5 to 10% in your data set. Where is this difference coming from? I do not know, but I believe it’s an order of magnitude which could be explained with the variation that we see between different Plantower batches. We are not happy with this variation and we are currently working on finding solutions for that.

How accurate do RH readings need to be?
Obviously, we try to provide readings as accurate as possible and we understand that there are different expectations towards these readings. Personally, it does not make a difference for me if my indoor RH reading is 50% or 55%. It is more important for me, that the readings of my sensor are consistent. Note there is no such thing as a ‘true’ relative humidity or temperature for a non-equilibrated system such as ambient air. If we allowed the system to equilibrate, then yes. But in reality, we have daily energy influx from the sun, which fades over night. Different surfaces may have drastically different heat capacities and conductivities, resulting in different microclimates with different temperatures and humidities. This is a dilemma if I want to measure ambient air. Let’s say it is 16 °C, but the monitor itself is 18 °C, as it has still some stored heat from a few hours ago when the air was warmer. The attempt to measure RH and temperature can change RH and temperature. Another example, I am now sitting at my desk next to my window, which is much colder than most of my room. I feel that there is cold coming from the window. If I close the curtains, I instantly feel that the cold is shielded. Did the temperature of the air around my body change? Not really, it’s just the warmer curtains which emit more infrared radiation than the colder window. I hope I can convey my message: temperature and also relative humidity might not be as defined as we want to think.

Fair enough. The only reason in my mind why considering absolute humidity might make sense at all is because we’re looking at something that at a first blush looks like an obvious offset.

This scenario is one great reason to deal in absolute humidity measurements, even if they are derived from RH. In this scenario, given two reasonably accurate and similarly precise sensors, the aboslute humidity measured will be very close together, even if they are in slightly different immediate “environments” with a different “temperature”, affecting the condensation rate and thus the measured RH%.

It is then possible to convert an absolute humidity measure back to RH% for “any” temperature. And doing so is often a reasonable ask/need due to the fact that there are a number of heat-generating components within the AG enclosure. Which leads me to actual use case…

Consistency in accuracy of humidity measurements between sensors exactly my need as well. I could not care less if the humidity reported is 20% off from the True condition in the measured system, so long as the sensors I want to compare are all similarly wrong.

In my particular case I measure humidity in a few other places, but most importantly there is a humidity sensor in the Heat Recovery Ventilation system, measuring the humidity of the air extracted from indoor spaces (which it eventually expresses in g/kg.) Due to the relatively consistent temperature (~indoors) of the air measured, this sensor is specified to be reasonably accurate (within ±2% RH) and in practice is really precise.

This system has mechanisms to recover some of the indoor humidity to maintain the indoor humidity at comfortable levels, which is relevant during winter when the air outdoors is relatively dry. At the same time, it can’t do the same in the reverse direction (to keep the air indoors dryer than the air outdoors would allow for.) I am finding that during the humid summer days manual twiddling with humidity setpoints is necessary in order to avoid the ventilation from counter-productively pumping humid outdoor air in at a high speed in an attempt to reduce humidity indoors.

The more the outdoor humidity sensor disagrees with the sensor in the extract duct, the less useful they become as an input to the control loop I’m looking to build. Which sort of imposes an accuracy target similar to ±2% RH for outdoor measurements. How close are the corrected PMS5003T measurements? I don’t know! That’s the reason I am comparing absolute humidity readings between a co-located SHT45 and the AG unit.

All that said, I do not have an atmospheric chamber so the best I can do is collect a huge number of data points and hope this winter will go as usual and I’ll see a -30°C night this year too.