Temperature and Humidity always zero

I got the DIY Pro board delivered two weeks ago and, after soldering everything, have trouble getting it to function correctly. PM and CO2 work but, the Humidity and Temperature are always logged as zero. I used a multimeter to check my soldering and everything seems to be connected. Also, I noticed that temperature and humidity sometimes work when the CO2 is not connected. I found two forum posts from people with similar problems Link 1 Link 2, but no solution. Does anyone know how to fix it or know what the underlying issue is? I thought about soldering the SHT3x closer to the microcontroller, would that work?

I added the pull-up resistors as Hendrick suggested in this thread and my temp and humidity began working. As I say in that thread, I put them on the 5V line. Maybe a lower value would have worked on the 3.3V line.

No soldering was involved. I just stuck them in the OLED #0 female headers like you’d do on a breadboard.