I just migrated all of my sensors from a v3.7 PCB to a new V9 board. Everything seems great except for the SHT3X.
At power on, the display says:
Sensor init
SHT not found
I thought maybe I had broken it during the transfer, but I plugged it back in to the V3.7, and it reported temperatures just fine.
After reading this thread, I did a continuity trace along the board for 3.3V, GND, SDA, SCL and they were all fine. I then plugged the SHT3X back into the header and check continuity from its pins and they all looked fine.
But firmware 3.1.4 on the V9 just won’t detect it. I even tried applying pressure in different directions on boot to rule out a loose connection. No change.
Here’s what the debug logs say:
Build:Feb 7 2021
Saved PC:0x420184b0
mode:DIO, clock div:1
entry 0x403cc710
Serial nr: xxxxxxxxxxxx
[Configure] Info: Reading file…
[Configure] Info: Reading file: success
[Configure] Info: Parse file to JSON
[Configure] Info: {“country”:“US”,“pmStandard”:“us-aqi”,“ledBarMode”:“co2”,“abcDays”:8,“tvocLearningOffset”:12,“noxLearningOffset”:12,“mqttBrokerUrl”:"",“temperatureUnit”:“f”,“configurationControl”:“both”,“postDataToAirGradient”:true,“ledBarBrightness”:1,“displayBrightness”:1,“offlineMode”:false,“model”:“I-9PSL”}
[OledDisplay] Info: begin
Firmware Version: 3.1.4
LED bar brightness: 1
Init SGP41 success
SHTx sensor not found
Set S8 AbcDays successful
[ApiClient] Info: begin
Any ideas?