AirGradient Forum

SHT not found with new V9 board

I just migrated all of my sensors from a v3.7 PCB to a new V9 board. Everything seems great except for the SHT3X.

At power on, the display says:
Sensor init
SHT not found

I thought maybe I had broken it during the transfer, but I plugged it back in to the V3.7, and it reported temperatures just fine.

After reading this thread, I did a continuity trace along the board for 3.3V, GND, SDA, SCL and they were all fine. I then plugged the SHT3X back into the header and check continuity from its pins and they all looked fine.

But firmware 3.1.4 on the V9 just won’t detect it. I even tried applying pressure in different directions on boot to rule out a loose connection. No change.

Here’s what the debug logs say:
Build:Feb 7 2021
Saved PC:0x420184b0
mode:DIO, clock div:1
entry 0x403cc710
Serial nr: xxxxxxxxxxxx
[Configure] Info: Reading file…
[Configure] Info: Reading file: success
[Configure] Info: Parse file to JSON
[Configure] Info: {“country”:“US”,“pmStandard”:“us-aqi”,“ledBarMode”:“co2”,“abcDays”:8,“tvocLearningOffset”:12,“noxLearningOffset”:12,“mqttBrokerUrl”:"",“temperatureUnit”:“f”,“configurationControl”:“both”,“postDataToAirGradient”:true,“ledBarBrightness”:1,“displayBrightness”:1,“offlineMode”:false,“model”:“I-9PSL”}
[OledDisplay] Info: begin
Firmware Version: 3.1.4
LED bar brightness: 1
Init SGP41 success
SHTx sensor not found
Set S8 AbcDays successful
[ApiClient] Info: begin

Any ideas?

Typically, the v9 comes with sht41 so I wonder if the code just isn’t configured to look for the sht3x

Might be best to open and issue on the GitHub page for tracking

Interesting thought. I don’t see anything in the code that suggests an SHT3x wouldn’t be supported (quite the contrary).

Is there something I need to do to enable debug logging? There are some debug messages that don’t get sent to the serial port (they get written via log_i()), so I’m wondering how to find them. Without those messages, it’s hard to figure out where it’s failing.

Could you please open an issue on github. Then our firmware developer can check this. Thanks!

Here is a link to the Issue page

Issues · airgradienthq/arduino (