I have some AirGradient DIY Pro, and AirGradient Outdoor units (aka Open Air) that I’d like to send data to a locally hosted InfluxDB V2 instance.
I’m just wondering what’s the current recommendation for doing it is please?
I found two Github libraries for AirGradient and InfluxDB:
- GitHub - ChaseCares/AirGradient-InfluxDB: AirGradient Pushing to InfluxDB or MQTT
- GitHub - TakosThings/AirGradient-Influx: Influx logging for the AirGradient DIY Pro (Although the author mentions I experienced frequent crashing using anything newer than ESP8266 v2.7.4, YMMV - not sure what that is about?)
However, both of those seem to tailored towards the Wemos D1 Mini on the AirGradient Indoor DIY Pro - not the ESP32-C3-Mini on the AirGradient Outdoor model (aka Open Air).
Does anybody have much experience with these, or any recommendations between them or others, or which one is reliable?
I did see there’s also a ESPHome config for the DIY Pro here:
which allows you to integrate the AirGradient directly into HomeAssistant (and then assumedly from there, into InfluxDB). Although once again, only for the Indoor model.
And Jeff Geerling made his Prometheus endpoint as well (GitHub - geerlingguy/airgradient-prometheus: AirGradient Prometheus exporter.).
What do people recommend here, if I want to export data from both the indoor and outdoor units into a local InfluxDB 2 instance?