Pre-Assembled ONE - Wifi Config error?

I connected to the hotspot, and setup my wifi. The display on the AirGradient said Wifi Connected. But then it gives me a message about a configuration error. Then the display started displaying the normal screen and at the top it says “Config Error”.

I read some stuff here about firmware and flashing. I connected the USB to my laptop and pressed the button on the back down with a paperclip (yikes hope im not missing the button and scratching componenta in there!). I heard the button click and the AirGradient display seems to reset but nothing comes up on my laptop? Theres some instruction about a blue button? I dont see any blue buttons in my Chrome browser or on the Airgradient.

Not sure what to do. Any ideas? I’m not a total tech ignoramous as i’ve never had to seek support setting up a new device/computer/wifi before…but i’m probably way more limited than people who set this up DIY for fun.

Thank you!

This means that your monitor is connected to WiFi but not yet set up on the dashboard.

Please go here and follow the instructions.

You can skip the part with the WiFi connection as you already connected it.

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Thanks Achim. I suspected that I might already be connected but didnt want to go any further without clarity.

No more config error and dashboard seems to be working now!

Great and I am sorry for the confusion.

We are still in a transmission phase from our old closed-source model and different firmware versions but we are working on aligning everything. There are a lot of small things that don’t provide a smooth experience yet but it is very much on our radar.