AirGradient Forum

PM2.5 value often -1

In Grafana I see the pm2.5 value often being -1.


Currently in use:

ESP8266 Arduino library (Core)						v3.1.2
AirGradient Air Quality Sensor						v2.4.3
ESP8266 and ESP32 OLED driver for SSD1306 displays	v4.4.0
Sensirion Core 										v0.6.0
Sensirion Gas Index Algorithm						v3.2.2
Sensirion I2C SGP41									v0.1.0
U8g2												v2.32.15
WiFiManager											v2.0.15-rc.1

On both the OLED display and in Grafana I often see the value -1 for pm2.5 measurements.
I’m using Themi changes which intergrade a webserver for Prometheus
In the Grafana graphs it showed the -1 value about once or twice every hour before I made any changes.
After trying to adapt the config to extend lifespan of PMS5003 I get the -1 value far more often (e.g. about 1/5th of the time).


(If I did something incorrect please let me know. I’m not familiar with C++ at all.)

// const int pm25Interval = 5000;
const int pm25Interval = 30000;
const int pm25SleepIntvl = 150000;
unsigned long previousPm25 = 0;
unsigned long previousSleepPm25 = 0;
int pm25 = 0;

void sleepPm25()
    if (currentMillis - previousSleepPm25 >= pm25SleepIntvl) {
      previousSleepPm25 += (pm25SleepIntvl + pm25Interval);

void updatePm25()
    if (currentMillis - previousPm25 >= pm25SleepIntvl + pm25Interval) {
      previousPm25 += (pm25SleepIntvl + pm25Interval);
      pm25 = ag.getPM2_Raw();

I have not found a meaning for the -1 value. I assume it indicates a kind of error state?
Is this a known behavior? Or might this be an issue with the PMS5003 module itself?

I have another device with a PMS5003 module, so I temporarily swapped the two modules.
I still see the same behavior, so likely not hardware related.

Here a graph of ~2 hours before and after the swap.
Swap PMS5003 modules 2023-05-28

Just noticed that the fan constantly going ‘on’ and ‘off’ (e.g. 2-3 seconds ‘on’, 2-3 seconds ‘off’ continuously).
This starts after a few minutes from power-on e.g. likely after a PM2.5 read cycle.

Reverted the extended lifespan changes for the PMS5003, and now the fan is behaving normal again.

A time-interval issue caused the ‘on’/‘off’ behaviour. Which looks ok now.

Still see the -1 values, but not so often anymore.
(top graph is from another PM2.5 monitor, bottom the PM2.5 graph of the AirGradient)

The applied changes from Themi, and a few from me (PMS5003 extended lifespan).

--- DIY_PRO_V3_7.ino_v2.4.3.txt 2023-04-29 01:50:56.000000000 +0200
+++ DIY_PRO_V3_7.ino_v2.4.3_2023-06-01_v1.5.txt     2023-06-01 12:44:11.000000000 +0200
@@ -27,6 +27,8 @@
+// Added by Themi
+#include <ESP8266WebServer.h>
 #include <AirGradient.h>
 #include <WiFiManager.h>
@@ -51,7 +53,7 @@
 // time in seconds needed for NOx conditioning
 uint16_t conditioning_s = 10;
-// for peristent saving and loading
+// for persistent saving and loading
 int addr = 4;
 byte value;
@@ -64,6 +66,14 @@
+// Added by Themi
+// Set to true if you'd like to report to an airgradient endpoint
+boolean doReport = true;
+// Http port number
+const int port = 8080;
+// Prometheus device id
+const String deviceId = "AirGradient1";
 //set to the endpoint you would like to use
 String APIROOT = "";
@@ -76,11 +86,13 @@
 // Display Position
 boolean displayTop = true;
-// set to true if you want to connect to wifi. You have 60 seconds to connect. Then it will go into an offline mode.
+// set to true if you want to connect to wifi. You have 90 seconds to connect. Then it will go into an offline mode.
 boolean connectWIFI=true;
+// Added by Themi
+ESP8266WebServer server(port);
 unsigned long currentMillis = 0;
@@ -99,9 +111,13 @@
 unsigned long previousCo2 = 0;
 int Co2 = 0;
-const int pm25Interval = 5000;
+//const int pm25Interval = 5000;
+const int pm25Interval = 30000;
+const int pm25SleepIntvl = 150000;
 unsigned long previousPm25 = 0;
+//unsigned long previousSleepPm25 = 0;
 int pm25 = 0;
+boolean pm25sleep = false;
 const int tempHumInterval = 2500;
 unsigned long previousTempHum = 0;
@@ -148,6 +164,59 @@
+  // Added by Themi
+  server.on("/metrics", HandleMetrics);
+  server.on("/metricsjson", HandleJsonMetrics);
+  server.on("/", HandleIndexHTML);
+  server.onNotFound(HandleNotFound);
+  server.begin();
+// Added by Themi
+void HandleMetrics() {
+  String message = "";
+  message += GetPrometheusString("pm02 Particulate Matter PM2.5 value", "pm02 gauge", "pm02",  "µg/m³", String(pm25) );
+  message += GetPrometheusString("rco2 CO2 value, in ppm", "rco2 gauge", "rco2", "ppm", String(Co2) );
+  message += GetPrometheusString("Temperature, in degrees Celcius", "temp gauge", "temp", "°C", String(temp) );
+  message += GetPrometheusString("rhum Relative humidity, in percent", "rhum gauge", "rhum", "%", String(hum) );
+  message += GetPrometheusString("TVOC index value", "tvoc gauge", "tvoc", "index", String(TVOC) );
+  message += GetPrometheusString("NOX index value", "nox gauge", "nox", "index", String(NOX) );
+  server.send(200, "text/plain", message);
+void HandleJsonMetrics() {
+  String message = "{\"pm02\":"+ String(pm25) + ",\"rco2\":" + String(Co2) + ",\"temp\":" + String(temp) + ",\"rhum\":" + String(hum) + ",\"tvoc\":" + String(TVOC) + ",\"nox\":" + String(NOX) + "}";
+  server.send(200, "application/json", message);
+void HandleIndexHTML() {
+  String message = "<!doctype html>";
+  message += "<title>CO2-Monitor</title>";
+  message += "<section class=\"content\">";
+  message += "  <h1>Welcome to CO2-Monitor</h1>";
+  message += "  <p>I'm a C++ script to received sensor data from the CO2-Monitor and make it available via HTTP</p>";
+  message += "  <p>For prometheus metrics, see <a href=\"/metrics\">/metrics</a></p>";
+  message += "  <p>For the raw JSON data try <a href=\"/metricsjson\">/metricsjson</a></p>";
+  server.send(200, "text/html", message);
+// Added by Themi
+String GetPrometheusString(String proHelp, String proType, String proMetric, String proUnit, String proStat) {
+  String idString = "{id=\"" + String(deviceId) + "\",name=\"" + proType + "\",unit=\"" + proUnit + "\"}";
+  String proOut = "";
+  proOut += "# HELP " + proHelp + "\n";
+  proOut += "# TYPE " + proType + "\n";
+  proOut += proMetric;
+  proOut += idString;
+  proOut += proStat;
+  proOut += "\n";
+  return proOut;
+// Added by Themi
+void HandleNotFound() {
+  server.send(404, "text/plain", "Not found");  
 void loop() {
@@ -155,10 +224,16 @@
+  //
+  sleepPm25();
+  // Added by Themi
+  if (doReport) {
+  server.handleClient();
 void inConf(){
@@ -307,12 +382,26 @@
+void sleepPm25()
+    if (currentMillis - previousPm25 >= pm25SleepIntvl && pm25sleep) {
+// This will not work because it is true also 
+//      previousSleepPm25 = currentMillis;
+      ag.wakeUp();
+         pm25sleep = false;
+    }
 void updatePm25()
-    if (currentMillis - previousPm25 >= pm25Interval) {
-      previousPm25 += pm25Interval;
+    if (currentMillis - previousPm25 >= pm25SleepIntvl + pm25Interval) {
+      previousPm25 = currentMillis;
+//    if (currentMillis - previousPm25 >= pm25Interval) {
+//      previousPm25 = currentMillis;
       pm25 = ag.getPM2_Raw();
+      ag.sleep();
+         pm25sleep = true;
@@ -403,6 +492,17 @@
    updateOLED2("90s to connect", "to Wifi Hotspot", HOTSPOT);
    if (!wifiManager.autoConnect((const char * ) HOTSPOT.c_str())) {
      updateOLED2("booting into", "offline mode", "");
      Serial.println("failed to connect and hit timeout");