I just received and set up the DIY pre-soldered kit for the airgradient one.
My experience this far:
The unit did not flash using the webtool. Kept getting an error message in the browser when trying to connect to the unit (my computer detected the unit fine, but the webtool could not execute the flash). So I am working of the firmware it shipped with.
Wifi connection went off without a hitch.
I had trouble initially, but was able to enter the config mode to turn off the LEDs.
The PM sensor does not appear to be functioning. It keeps changing from ‘0’ to ‘-’, every so often (like 30sec-1min intervals). Lighting a candle under the unit does activate a reading, but it is very low (and very delayed), never breaking 130 ug/m3. Removing the candle reverts the reading back to 0.
- Even putting the unit inside my 3D printer enclosure yields no readings (my main purpose for purchasing the unit).
Any assistance with 1 and 4 above would be greatly appreciated. I tried searching the forum using the search bar, but the function appears very limited.