AirGradient Forum

PCB v2 Firmware and HomeAssistant

Hey, all!

I have a bunch of DIY Basic (v2) kits that never got built. Now I’m going down the path of air quality sensors and I thought I’d be able to bring these up to snuff for my HomeAssistant deployment. I looked at the firmware page and it states:

Please note that these firmware versions do not support the D1 mini (ESP8266) based models DIY Pro or Basic kit but we currently work on an update that will bring as many as possible of the new features to the D1 mini.

So… I gather, since the DIY Basic kit had the D1 on it that I’m out of luck for integration to HA? And if this is temporary, is there an ETA on when that new firmware will be available?

Thanks much in advance!

Actually the version you can flash from the DIY basic instructions page should support HA.

Also, ESPHome firmware for the AirGradient is an option
airgradient_esphome/airgradient-basic.yaml at main · MallocArray/airgradient_esphome (

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