PCB silkscreen correction?

The orientation on the Molex 8 pin header (p/n 53047-0810) silkscreen I think needs to be flipped. I just soldered one up yesterday and had to flip the connector before soldering it down to ensure the circuits were correct. (I didn’t chop the cable because well someone went through the hassle of designing the pcb to have a header connector and I like the modularity aspect.)

I didn’t see this previously mentioned, my apologies if it is known and in a revision pipeline.

@scottn can you please post a picture how you mounted the Molex header here. I would be interested to see it, Thanks!


Sorry for not the best photo, I didn’t see the notification till after I stepped away for the night.

Basically, the molex pins are on the bottom instead of the top of the connector to match up with the wiring.

Here’s a better picture.