Outdoor Monitor Died?

Hi there - wondering if anyone has any brilliant ideas.

My outdoor monitor has been working happily for a few weeks with no issue. Early this morning I got a message that it was disconnected - but when I went to check on it, I found it plugged in and otherwise looking fine. I unplugged it and moved it inside for an hour before plugging it back in with a different USB cable and charging brick.

The blue indicator light comes on and it flashes ~3 times every ~30s and the dashboard isn’t getting any fresh readings.

I’m kinda stumped - anyone have any ideas?


Recent owner of the outdoor monitor here, I’ve the same issue.
It seems to be related to the latest firmware version.

I beleive mine was running the 0.1.8 previously and now it has the 0.3.2 installed.

Can the AirGradient team rollback the update ?

I just flashed the device using the instructions here => The AirGradient Open Air Outdoor Air Quality Monitor (Presoldered-Version, PCB Version 1.1)

It seems to be working fine now (but the measures routine and frequency have changed compared to the firmware v0.1.8).

We pushed a fw update out but it should have been compatible with your monitor.

Please send me your place ID that you can see here: AirGradient

Then I can have a look on your dashboard.

If other people have this issue, please make sure you select the model name in the hardware, sensor configuration to be O-1PP.


An empty model name might cause this issue.

Thanks @jpo, @Achim_AirGradient

I had already pulled it apart to check connections - as soon as I get a minute I’ll try running through the suggestions and update with my results.

Hi @Achim_AirGradient - I don’t get the ‘AirGradient Model’ drop down.

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I also had success flashing via Chromium per the instructions below. My device had less than 15 minutes runtime before it stopped working until I flashed it via the browser.

This should be fixed now.

Fixed - thanks so much Achim!