AirGradient Forum

Open Air O-1PP + TVOC (and NOx)

I have been happily using two Open Air O-1PP units for the last 1.5 years. I would like to add the ability to measure TVOC and perhaps also NOx.

Last year, I had purchased two GY- SGP30 modules, but never installed them. Before I install them, I am wondering if it makes more sense to purchase and install the SGP41 modules instead. Would either of these allow me to continue to use the standard firmware? I’ve been enjoying the latest firmware that also works with both Home Assistant and Air Gradient servers.

Do you have a recommendation between the SGP30 I own vs. the SGP41 or other?

My goal is to detect burning wood and heating oil. Would TVOC or NOx help with that?

Thanks in advance!

I would strongly recommend the SGP41. I also think that the other module is not compatible with the newer generation of the PCB and firmware.

A word of caution though. The TVOC measurements have cross sensitivity to temperature and also don’t allow you to exactly know what type of VOC is in the air. However if you read the data with these limitations in mind, you can still see some interesting information in regards to wildfire smoke.

Thanks, Achim!

Are the outdoor CO2 measurements useful for detecting smoke from burning wood or heating oil?