AirGradient Forum

O-1PST v1.3 technical documentation

I have purchased, just received and built my O-1PST. I have a couple of questions which I can’t find answers to by myself:

  1. The documentation on the website has PCB schematics for version 1.1 of the PCB. What I have received is V1.3. In particular I see that the area around IO breakouts has changed substantially and is now using the same type of connector as the PM module. I was planning to utilize these pins in my build (good thing I did not order a PCB yet…), so an up-to date kicad project would be much appreciated – so can I triple check the layout and plans;
  2. Additionally it seems like the power regulator has changed from LM1117-3.3 to AMS1117-3.3: a welcome change, as I definitely get deep negative temperatures in my region that would’ve been well out of spec for the regular LM1117;
  3. Am I right that the IO extension is now a Molex PicoBlade connector with a 1.25mm pitch?

This link has an area for the 1.3 board and kicad files

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So the unfortunate part is that the link for v1.3’s KiCad files is leading to (note the v11 in the link) and inside is the project for v1.1, rather than v1.3! My best guess for a correct link at is unfortunately a 404.

No wonder I got confused!

@Achim_AirGradient Any chance you could get the link updated for the v1.3 outdoor PCB?

Yes, we are working on it. I just added the SHT and SGP modules.
Open Air v. 1.3 and CO2 module should come soon. Sorry for the delay.

So I have downloaded the v1.3 files and I see that the schematic still refers to the power regulator as LM1117-3.3, rather than AMS1117-3.3 that I have on the board.

This makes me wary about the identification of the connectors/plugs I have on board so I would love if somebody could confirm whether I/O extension connector is indeed a Molex PicoBlade or a JST with a 1.25mm pitch?