O-1 upgraded, no CO2 reading -

Upgraded but the S8 sensor doesn’t seem to be recognized…

Build:Feb  7 2021
Saved PC:0x4038bfda
mode:DIO, clock div:1
entry 0x403cc710
E (198) esp_core_dump_flash: No core dump partition found!
E (199) esp_core_dump_flash: No core dump partition found!
Serial nr: ecda3b1d98a8
Firmware Version: 3.0.6
Firmware Mode: FW_MODE_PST
Server configuration: 
             inF: true
         inUSAQI: false
    useRGBLedBar: 2
           Model: O-1PP
     Mqtt Broker: 
 S8 calib period: -1
*wm:Connecting to SAVED AP: duick
*wm:connectTimeout not set, ESP waitForConnectResult... 
E (2800) wifi:Association refused temporarily, comeback time 1004 mSec
E (3809) wifi:Association refused temporarily, comeback time 1004 mSec
*wm:AutoConnect: SUCCESS 
*wm:STA IP Address:
Webserver init: airgradient_ecda3b1d98a8.local
Post payload: {"wifi":-37,"boot":0}
Get server config: {"country":"US","pmStandard":"ugm3","co2CalibrationRequested":false,"ledBarTestRequested":false,"ledBarMode":"co2","displayMode":"on","placeOpen":false,"abcDays":8,"model":"O-1PP"}
Server configuration: 
             inF: true
         inUSAQI: false
    useRGBLedBar: 2
           Model: O-1PP
     Mqtt Broker: 
 S8 calib period: 8
Get server config: {"country":"US","pmStandard":"ugm3","co2CalibrationRequested":false,"ledBarTestRequested":false,"ledBarMode":"co2","displayMode":"on","placeOpen":false,"abcDays":8,"model":"O-1PP"}
Server configuration: 
             inF: true
         inUSAQI: false
    useRGBLedBar: 2
           Model: O-1PP
     Mqtt Broker: 
 S8 calib period: 8
abcDays config: 8 days(192 hours)
Current config: 192 (hours)
set 'abcDays' ignored
CO2 index: 866

[1]      PMS0.1: 0
[1]      PMS2.5: 1
[1]     PMS10.0: 1
[1]PMS3.0 Count: 327
[1] Temperature: 22.52
[1]    Humidity: 56

    TVOC index: 0
TVOC raw index: 30391
     NOx index: 0

    TVOC index: 0
TVOC raw index: 30416
     NOx index: 0

I originally connected the PM and CO2 sensors to the opposite connections and there was an error in the log reporting an issue. I opened up the unit and swapped the connectors and while the unit is now reporting the PM and TVOC/NOx measurements I’m not seeing any CO2 measurements.

Any ideas?

Please PM me your Place ID. You can see here: AirGradient

Hi @cyberhiker
As your log, I saw that CO2 is worked well and has read success calculate value

Do you mean the CO2 value send to airgradient server or mqtt? Or What else?

I can see the CO2 on your dashboard:

Make sure you show the CO2 column.

Click here to enable it:

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