Someone marked my original post as spam, so I’m trying again.
After updating my DIY Basic to the latest firmware (3.1.12) the device no longer connects to WiFi or provides the opportunity to set up WiFi. The sensors are working and values display on the LED.
Is there a way to force the initial WiFi setup to enter SSID and password? Feels like I’m missing something obvious.
I upgraded from a very old firmware version in order to finally get rid of the old CO2 -1 error.
In the meantime, I’ve flashed the Pro version of the firmware using the web based flasher on the DIY documentation page (the forum software won’t let me post the link). Most everything works, I get the option to connect to WiFi, but all the information doesn’t fit on the LED and I can’t switch display units to F. But as least this feeds back to the dashboard.