AirGradient Forum

new unit reboots every 10-15 minutes

I received my preassembled I-9PSL in the mail today. I added the three sensors enclosed, turned on power and started the unit. I was able to log onto the captive portal, then configured my local WiFi. Power is provided via the 2.4A rated USB converter that’s part of a power strip. My Homeassistant discovered the device as well and added it.

I am able to access /config and /measures/current, which reports:

   "atmp" : 21,
   "atmpCompensated" : 21,
   "bootCount" : 4,
   "firmware" : "3.1.1",
   "ledMode" : "co2",
   "model" : "I-9PSL",
   "noxIndex" : 1,
   "noxRaw" : 17097,
   "pm003Count" : 0,
   "pm01" : 0,
   "pm02" : 0,
   "pm10" : 0,
   "rco2" : 977,
   "rhum" : 37,
   "rhumCompensated" : 37,
   "serialno" : "84fc*******",
   "tvocIndex" : 98,
   "tvocRaw" : 30694,
   "wifi" : -37

The device appears to reboot every 10-15 minutes. My question:

  • should it reboot every few minutes?
  • how can I upgrade the firmware? I understand the device supports OTA updates, but I haven’t seen how to do this. I’ve seen some instructions that make it appear that it could be done over a serial/USB line, which I haven’t tried.
  • I understand that runs their our cloud backend. Can this be used along with HA, or is this an exclusive or? If it can’t be used with HA, is there a way to update the firmware remotely?

Thank you.

Some updates: I’ve connected it to a powered USB3.0 hub, updated the firmware to 3.1.13, and its bootCount is now 245, so it seems to have run over night. Will resume testing with the powerstrip supply.

I also was able to add it to, but this seems to have no effect (for instance, the interface there says Fahrenheit, but the display still shows Celsius.)

Unless you explicitly put it into Offline mode, then if it can’t communicate with the Dashboard servers, it will trigger the hardware watchdog to do a reboot of the device.

So likely it was adding the device to the Dashboard that resolved the issue, but if you don’t want it uploading, there is a way to set it to Offline mode so that doesn’t happen