I received my preassembled I-9PSL in the mail today. I added the three sensors enclosed, turned on power and started the unit. I was able to log onto the captive portal, then configured my local WiFi. Power is provided via the 2.4A rated USB converter that’s part of a power strip. My Homeassistant discovered the device as well and added it.
I am able to access /config
and /measures/current
, which reports:
"atmp" : 21,
"atmpCompensated" : 21,
"bootCount" : 4,
"firmware" : "3.1.1",
"ledMode" : "co2",
"model" : "I-9PSL",
"noxIndex" : 1,
"noxRaw" : 17097,
"pm003Count" : 0,
"pm01" : 0,
"pm02" : 0,
"pm10" : 0,
"rco2" : 977,
"rhum" : 37,
"rhumCompensated" : 37,
"serialno" : "84fc*******",
"tvocIndex" : 98,
"tvocRaw" : 30694,
"wifi" : -37
The device appears to reboot every 10-15 minutes. My question:
- should it reboot every few minutes?
- how can I upgrade the firmware? I understand the device supports OTA updates, but I haven’t seen how to do this. I’ve seen some instructions that make it appear that it could be done over a serial/USB line, which I haven’t tried.
- I understand that airgradient.com runs their our cloud backend. Can this be used along with HA, or is this an exclusive or? If it can’t be used with HA, is there a way to update the firmware remotely?
Thank you.