AirGradient Forum

New AirGradient One - PM1, PM2.5, PM10 always 0

I’ve just assembled my newly arrived AirGradient One, but from the start the PM1, PM2.5 and PM10 readings always show 0. I’ve updated the firmware from version 3.1.4 to 3.1.9, but that yielded no changes.

I’ve put the device in different rooms as well as outdoors, but the values always stay at 0. Finally I’ve brunt some paper and put the smoke close to the AirGradient, but that didn’t change anything. The PM0.3 sensor did show a spike in that scenario, as well as some smaller spikes before that, but the PM1, PM2.5 and PM10 always remain 0. Therefore I believe my PM1, PM2.5 and PM10 sensors are not working at all.

Please help

I’m not sure where you are located but currently large stretches of Germany and US have extremely good air quality:

So a 0 could very well be.

However, if you made some smoke, that could indicate a faulty sensor module. Please contact our support team through the website and we can have a look.

I have the same issue on the latest firmware, all PM values are 0. I have an airthings and an ikea near the AirGradient and both read values above 5.

Can you please contact our support through our website including the serial number of your monitor. Thanks.