Make display of Status LED (leftmost LED) configurable

Hi all,

As others have also reported, I also have the problem from time to time that the status LED (the leftmost LED) lights up in white or purple, although data is definitely being transmitted to the AG server.

It is irritating when an LED suddenly lights up and you can only see it out of the corner of your eye.

As I can’t do anything in this situation anyway (except wait until it will be disabled :thinking:), I wonder what the point of this display is. In addition, the reason for the LED is also shown on the status display.

Hence my suggestion: Couldn’t this display be made configurable? E.g. with a new config parameter: “showStatusLED” with the values: “on” and “off”?

I look forward to your opinions on this. Of course also the opinions of the brilliant Airgrade team.



Hi @ghm !

Purple light means the sensor is not setup on our dashboard.

Regarding the ability to configure what is shown and what isn’t on the monitor, that’s a great idea. I can say that we are planning to implement that in the future.
Thank you!

Hi @Yehor_AirGradient

Thanks for your answer! Great that this will be implemented in the future!

Regarding the purple LED: it was shown an at least two of my monitors and I didn’t change anything at the configuration. All my monitors are configured in dashboard. And after a few minutes the purple LED went off, so it seems to be an issue on the server side…

The photo was taken at 2024-09-27 12:37 CEST.

Edit; Just in the moment purple LED is on at at least two of my monitors.