AirGradient Forum

Lines in screen on AirGradientOne

I just received my presoldered AirGradient one and the screen has a lot of lines (see photo). Is this expected? It makes it a bit hard to read.

Yikes, certainly not expected to look like that in person. I’ve had a hard time taking photos of the screen due to refresh rates, but it shouldn’t look like that. Does a power cycle help and does it ever look normal? I’ve had weird artifacts appear after running it for awhile but a reboot resolves it.

Lets see what Achim says, but I would say it looks like a hardware malfunction

I did have that problem, but used the “live photo” feature on the iphone, and then selected the correct frame from when the screen was refreshed. The image is representative of what it looks like.

Power cycles do not help, and I have not seen it look normal once.

I had similar problem but mine was caused by i2c issues. Could you check the solderjoints to the screen, preferably with a magnifying glass. If there are cracks or loose connections contact Achim.

I remember when the signals were disrupted the screen just displays what it has received, so that could explain the missing lines. You could try updating the unit from here The AirGradient ONE Air Quality Sensor (Presoldered-Version, PCB Version 9)

We are actually checking every unit that we ship for this (kits and fully assembled units). So I think it’s more likely something happened during transport.

Anybody that has this issue please contact our support via the website.