Issues with building the DIY Pro kit

I’m trying to built the DIY pro kit.

Some things are not clear.

The guide says to mount the OLED, but not how. I used the included screws to mount to the case before soldering.

The female headers needed for the S8, can I use those in the bag with the PMS sensor cable?

I cut the headers for the SHT from a larger header row, was I supposed to do this?
One of the pins from this row came apart when I cut it, don’t know if I have enough female headers now.

And the PMS, what on earth, says solder cable. Not the connector? Cross over cable or not?
I have no idea.

In the picture illustrating the build, the board has a small cap. Is there supposed to be a cap in the kit?

I just soldered my kit so I’ll see if I can help:

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That’s awesome, thank you so much.

I’ll give it another go in a day or two.

I’ve built 20+ eurorack kits, so I’m not brand new, I guess I just need extra documentation. :grin: