Is there a way to customize the home page of your own dashboard?

Is there a way to customize the home page of your own dashboard? Or is what you get just the way it is? I’d like it if my page kept the outdoor graph info on the left and did the same graph on the right for indoor instead of the 2 readings it gives for indoor. Cheers

Currently it’s fixed but to make it more configurable is on the roadmap.
I like your idea and will make a note.


My 2-cents worth,… not that anyone asked:

would like to be able to see both devices (indoor & outdoor) in a homogenous way.
Either both showing as the LEFT in @Yellowknife’s example.
Or both showing as the RIGHT in same example.
It’s frustrating, to me, to have to see a different presentation for what (in my mind) are a same-type of device just-placed-differently.

Not that anyone asked.