Is the SGP41 TVOC 3V3 or 5V?

I have a few DIY Pro kits with PCBv3.3 with both 5V I2C and 3V3 I2C. In the Shop pictures I see the new PCBv3.7 has only 3V3 I2C headers in the top left

I bought a few SGP41 TVOC sensors to upgrade my kits but not sure where they are supposed to be installed. Do they go in the 3V3 or 5V header?

On the LCD the SGP41 gives TVOC readings in both 3V3 and 5V slots but I don’t want to break it if I put it in the wrong slot.

Also regardless of which slot I put the TVOC in, I don’t get any TVOC data in the Dashboard. Temp/Humidity/PM/CO2 all report normally in the Dashboard.

The module can use 3.3 or 5v but we recommend to put it into the 3.3v slot.

On the dashboard for SGP41 you need to make the “TVOC Ind40” and “NOx Ind40” columns visible:

Click on this icon next to the table:

Then you can enable these above columns:

Thank you. I see readings on the TVOC (Ind40) but nothing on the NOx (Ind41)


What software version did you flash?

I did the browser based flash in Chrome from the DIY Pro Instructions page. “With Code for Optional SGP4x AirGradient TVOC Module With temperature in Fahrenheit”

The Dashboard tells me “Target FW: 9.1.2”

I also don’t see NOx checking the Logs:

{"wifi":-45, "rco2":1307, "pm02":2, "tvoc_index":144, "atmp":26.30, "rhum":39}

The SGP41 is currently in the 3V3 slot header.

I am currently travelling. I can send the exact code next week but if you proficient in coding the following will probably help:

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