IQair not showing my airgradient sensors

I share data of my airgradient with everyone but I’m able to see only some sensors on openAQ and none on other services

I know that IQ air is currently fixing some issues on their side and we will probably have to remove the sharing with WAQI because they are having issues too and are not responding to our emails.

With the sharing in general we provide a data end point but then it’s up to the third party to implement and we don’t have too much control there.

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That is not sounding good.
I purchased an airgradient device due to its opendata…
…sharing data with services that does not use them should be stated on your webpage.
I’m thinking to send it back :frowning:

Well the issue is not on our side.

We love to share data with as many partners as possible but how the partner handles it is out of our control.

I am pretty sure the IQ Air issue will be fixed soon.