AirGradient Forum

Installing the outdoor monitor above the ground floor

I live on the 5th floor of an apartment building. And… I’ve just noticed the recommendation not to install the monitor above 3m.

I can put an AirGradient out of my window (following all other recommendations - away from sunlight and the open window and ACs).
But installing it on the ground floor is from difficult to impossible.

So, a couple of questions:

  • will it function properly for my own use? as in, report accurately on the air outside of the apartment?
  • is it worth contributing the data to the map?

Yes this is no problem. The maximum height is actually more towards worker safety. In your case it’s actually good to install it in front of your apartment as this is also the air that gets into it and thus is representative of what you breathe.


Thank you for the quick reply! Proceeding then.

Try to check the values outdoor unit gives before you install it outside. If you have indoor unit, put them side by side and compare values. And then decide if you really want to install it outside (and trust the values it shows).