AirGradient Forum

How to check firmware version from webapp? How to check OTA is working?

From the webapp, I see that my Open Air has FW version 0.6.4, which is odd, considering current versions look like 3.x, and I can’t find 0.6.x anywhere in AirGradient website. How can I check the actual FW version without physical access to the monitor?

Also, how can I check OTA is supported / working well?


From the docs:


“ecda3b1eaaaf” being the serial number of your monitor.

In my case didn’t work this way, I replaced the “airgradient_ecda3b1eaaaf.local” with the IP of the device.

I’m guessing that you aren’t on the 3.1.x line of firmware at this point, which is likely before the Over-The-Air updates were implemented. You can’t SSH into them. You may be able to get some data if you connected the USB cable and watched a serial monitor during boot, but if you were doing that, I would just flash the latest firmware to it while you were at it, and then you’ll have OTA and the latest installed.