AirGradient Forum

How to change OLED display values?

Hi, I have the I-9PSL-DE and I could not find how to change which values are shown on the OLED screen. And if it requires manually modifying the firmware, how would that be done? Thank you.

There is no option to change the display through the Dashboard, other than the temperature units. You can change the behavior of the LEDs to be CO2 or PM2.5, but that is about it.

You can compile your own firmware using Arduino and flashing your device if so desired:
arduino/examples/OneOpenAir/OneOpenAir.ino at master · airgradienthq/arduino

Thank you, are there instructions somewhere on how to compile and flash?

Not step by step for all of it.

The link I included goes to the example file that has the required settings at the top.

Here is another blog post, but is lightly outdated and depending on what file you are wanting to modify, this may be cover everything:
Install the Arduino Software for the ESP32-C3

I also recently was able to compile my own and added my specific steps needed here:

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