HELP! Cannot get airgradient one to finish wifi setup

I see it show up in my wifi config. I click on it and set the wifi info. It shows red led error. I power cycle it. It shows up on the local network with the correct wifi info. I can connect to it with a local network address using a browser. I set the wifi info again. It shows that it saves the wifi info then displays the red led error again. This goes on forever. No other devices on my network have any trouble talking to the internet. Any clues? This is a pre-built device.

You’ll want to flash your device to the latest firmware. The factory firmware has a bug that doesn’t let it connect properly to your network. Once flashed, it should work normally. I did have to power cycle once or twice to get the configuration to work, but once it was happy, it now reconnects normally.

I think I found the flashing instructions and I can figure out steps 1-4 – but steps 5 & 6 mean nothing to me. Are there instructions written for someone that does not know what “Select the serial port your monitor is connected to.” means and what needs to be installed on the computer to make it so that will happen? It took me most of the week to figure out how to find and play with the wifi stuff.

Just making notes - in case someone else comes along and needs them. Need to go buy a Torx T-6 screwdriver. While one is supposedly included in the kit - one is not included in the pre-built device.

Hold the button in (I used the T6 driver that came with the kit, just be careful not to go at too far of an angle so as not to short out something else on the PCB) while plugging in a USB-C cable to your computer. By doing so, you’ll set the onboard ESP32 into flash/bootloader write mode. After doing so, just click the blue button that says “Flash Firmware”, it’s next to “Firmware for PCB Version 9 (ESP-C3-MINI)”. You should be on this page: The AirGradient ONE Air Quality Sensor (Presoldered-Version, PCB Version 9)

Once you click on the blue button, it should show you a list of available serial devices. The ESP32 in your AirGradient ONE will register as one of them. Select it and follow instructions to flash the device, and it should be updated. Mine has worked perfectly since then.

If you don’t have the included driver, just unfold a paperclip until you have a point long enough to reach straight down and push the button. It has a good tactile response, so you’ll feel it.

Thanks. I can feel the button. I could hear what sounded like a small fan inside the box start up but nothing happens on my computer. Looks like I now need to learn what an Arduino IDE is and how to get it on my computer. The computer was setup for me to run lilypond so I can write music on it - so I am a bit out of my comfort zone with this thing. Just wanted to be able to monitor the air quality in the studio.

Please reach out to us via the support form on our website and we can have a Zoom call and I guide you through the process.

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Now I guess I need to know where to get the firmware.
Thanks to youtube & searching I have the Arduino IDE installed and I can see the board.
But I get this message when looking for the firmware: “Your browser doesn’t support this. Please use Chrome or Edge on Mac or PC.”
Is there a way to just download the built firmware so I can install it with the Arduino IDE?
Or, do I need to install more stuff to build it from the source code?

Turned out the device was working and it was a web-site bug that was causing the problem. I could not create an account because the dashboard web-site would not work if a non-google email address was used. Once admin manually created an account with my email address everything started working.