I have ordered a couple of AirGradient ONEs just before Christmas, and have just got round to setting them up. Is anyone able to get a non-integer value of PM2.5 in µg/m³ using the official HA AirGradient integration? I know that I can change the “precision” to choose the number of decimal places I wish to round to, but regardless of which option I choose here, I always get the PM2.5 reading to the nearest whole number - although it does add the requested number of 0s after the decimal. However on the AirGradient dashboard I see PM2.5 being reported to one decimal place.
Note that I am relatively new to Home Assistant, so it’s perfectly possible I’ve missed something simple in configuring my integration. For additional context in case it helps, in the dashboard I have applied the PMS5003 correction for the batch number of my sensors, and applied the EPA correction on top of that. I set the HA integration’s configuration control option to cloud
in order to pick up the configuration from the AG dashboard, and then changed back to local
configuration control. So I understand that I should be seeing the same numbers on the dashboard and in HA, please correct me if I am wrong about that.
In fact you can see even at integer precision, what I see in HA does not match what I see in the dashboard, but I suspect that is due to the latency in sending data to the dashboard, though that is just a hunch and not based on any testing: