AirGradient Forum

Firmware update 3.1.5

Does anyone else have problems updating the firmware to 3.1.5? Every time I try it keeps rolling back to 3.1.4

When I try flashing it from AirGradient ONE (I-9PSL) and Open Air (O-1PST) Firmware Versions it says it is successfull. I then restart the device, it shows 3.1.5 and that a new firmware is available and starts downloading.

When this is done, it restarts and shows 3.1.4

Here is the log:

OTA message: 100

Connection closed, all data received

of bytes written: 1374592


OTA message:

OTA update performed, restarting …


Build:Feb 7 2021

rst:0x3 (RTC_SW_SYS_RST),boot:0xc (SPI_FAST_FLASH_BOOT)

Saved PC:0x40382540


mode:DIO, clock div:1




entry 0x403cc710


[Configure] Info: Reading file…

[Configure] Info: Reading file: success

[Configure] Info: Parse file to JSON

[Configure] Info: {“country”:“DK”,“pmStandard”:“ugm3”,“ledBarMode”:“co2”,“abcDays”:8,“tvocLearningOffset”:12,“noxLearningOffset”:12,“mqttBrokerUrl”:"",“temperatureUnit”:“c”,“configurationControl”:“both”,“postDataToAirGradient”:true,“ledBarBrightness”:10,“displayBrightness”:20,“offlineMode”:false,“model”:“I-9PSL”}


[OledDisplay] Info: begin

Firmware Version: 3.1.4

LED bar brightness: 10

Init SGP41 success

Set S8 AbcDays successful

[ApiClient] Info: begin


*wm:Connecting to SAVED AP: xxx

*wm:AutoConnect: SUCCESS

*wm:STA IP Address: xxx

[WifiConnector] Info: Wait for configure portal

[WifiConnector] Info: WiFi Connected: xxx IP: xxx

[LocalServer] Info: Init: airgradient_XXXXXXXXXXX.local

Mqtt uri is empty

Connect to MQTT broker failed

[ApiClient] Info: Post uri:

[ApiClient] Info: Post data: {“wifi”:-40,“boot”:0}


firmwareCheckForUpdate: Perform

checking for new OTA update @

Firmware is already up to date


OTA message:

[Configure] Info: Parse configure: {“country”:“DK”,“pmStandard”:“ugm3”,“co2CalibrationRequested”:false,“ledBarTestRequested”:false,“ledBarMode”:“co2”,“displayMode”:“on”,“placeOpen”:false,“abcDays”:8,“tvocLearningOffset”:12,“noxLearningOffset”:12,“temperatureUnit”:“c”,“targetFirmware”:“3.1.4”,“ledBarBrightness”:10,“displayBrightness”:20,“model”:“I-9PSL”}

[Configure] Info: Parse configure success

LED bar brightness: 10

Display brightness: 20

Hi, I had the same issue and rollback to 3.1.4 ( from the same link you sent ).
The 3.1.5 is not yet available from the OTA api endpoint, small sync issue from the team I guess :smile:

I had this issue too and contacted support. They said “3.1.5 is only for testing at the moment and can’t be used outside of a few flagged devices” and acknowledged that its appearance on the website could cause confusion.

I receive mine, assembled it, and got caught by this. I have been trying to update for 2 hours, thinking it’s just that I didn’t know how to upgrade the device.

Glad I searched and joined these forums, otherwise I would still be trying this for a few more hours…

Yes sorry it’s confusing right now.

Just ignore the downgrade to 3.1.4. It will automatically upgrade again once we set 3.1.5 as default which will happen very soon.

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To avoid further confusion I have removed 3.1.5 from the website until we deploy it completely. But its available on our github in case somebody want to have a look.


My sensors are still on 3.1.4 but in the github repo, 3.1.9 is available. Where can we check reliably which is the current version for the airgradient sensors?

We will roll out 3.1.9 over the air very soon.

3.1.5-3.1.8 had issues so we did not roll it out to all users.

Thanks, good to know. I was confused if my sensors have some problem because they did not update.

Do I need to do anything to get OTA updates? Like rebooting the devices, or clicking any options on the dashboard?

No, as long as your using a supported device (ONE or OpenAir) and on the 3.1.4 firmware, then OTA should just work.