Feature Request: add pm003_count to analytics UI

The API returns results, it just needs a button added to the existing interface. I assume the charting code will handle the input without much additional work. The other PM sizes could be added as well.

I don’t have any interesting PM 2.5 results, but I am getting interesting and occasionally actionable data from PM 0.3 counts. It is impacted by my use of air filters and is a good indicator of certain actions taken indoors, which cause it to spike, and things like increased ventilation with the outside.

By monitoring it for a day, and modifying how I use my air filters, I was able to move the normal readings in one room from 100+ on average to 30+. That’s neat, even if there isn’t research to back that a lower value is important. Right now in order for me to review what is happening in a reasonable way, I have to look at the raw API response and/or import the data into something else.

Click the button with three bars in the upper right corner of the sensor readings and you can turn on multiple columns, including “PM 0.3 Count”


Those aren’t available in the analytics page:


Which is what I was requesting.

@redpotato available now:

That’s some quick turnaround. Thanks!