AirGradient Forum

Failure updating with latest MallocArray YAML in ESPHome

I got a notice (in Home Assistant) that there was an update for my AGOne. When I tried to update it, it failed, so I visited MallocArray’s Git repository to attempt to fix things.

I copied the correct YAML from the repository’s full_config folder and updated my personal customizations (name, friendly name, wifi, encryption key), leaving everything else as-is. When I try to install, I get the following error:

UnknownPackageError: Could not find the package with '~3.40407.0 @ *' requirements for your system 'linux_aarch64'

Is this an issue with YAML or something I need to fix on my end?

After this failed, I went to the “airgradient-one.yaml” in the main folder of the repository, again adding my personal bits to the YAML, but I get an error with that (I’m pretty sure this is the same error I got when initially trying to update):

Failed config

light.esp32_rmt_led_strip: [source /data/packages/76b4402f/packages/led.yaml:3]
  platform: esp32_rmt_led_strip
  rgb_order: GRB
  pin: GPIO10
  num_leds: 11
  This feature is not available for the IDF framework version 5.
  rmt_channel: 0
  chipset: ws2812
  name: LED Strip
  id: led_strip
  restore_mode: RESTORE_DEFAULT_OFF

Any suggestions?

If it matters, I did a “clean build files” before each install. That’s helped me with issues in the past…

And I’m running ESPHome Device Builder version: 2025.2.0

You should report that in the repository where the configuration files came from.

Correct, the best place to report that would be in the Issues section of the Github for that project.

That being said, I updated the repo a few hours ago with the fix for LED issue

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Done. I got a different error after trying since the about-an-hour-ago commits.