I got a notice (in Home Assistant) that there was an update for my AGOne. When I tried to update it, it failed, so I visited MallocArray’s Git repository to attempt to fix things.
I copied the correct YAML from the repository’s full_config folder and updated my personal customizations (name, friendly name, wifi, encryption key), leaving everything else as-is. When I try to install, I get the following error:
UnknownPackageError: Could not find the package with '~3.40407.0 @ *' requirements for your system 'linux_aarch64'
Is this an issue with YAML or something I need to fix on my end?
After this failed, I went to the “airgradient-one.yaml” in the main folder of the repository, again adding my personal bits to the YAML, but I get an error with that (I’m pretty sure this is the same error I got when initially trying to update):
Failed config
light.esp32_rmt_led_strip: [source /data/packages/76b4402f/packages/led.yaml:3]
platform: esp32_rmt_led_strip
rgb_order: GRB
pin: GPIO10
num_leds: 11
This feature is not available for the IDF framework version 5.
rmt_channel: 0
chipset: ws2812
name: LED Strip
id: led_strip
Any suggestions?