AirGradient Forum

Experiment: TVOC readings during & after a space is unoccupied

(Related reading: Measurement values for the AirGradient One TVOC readings? )

I did an experiment of sorts. I was traveling for ~40 hours and knew that the TVOC 24 hour baseline value of 100 would reset to whatever the background level was. There would be no transient changes from human activity or outdoor air. So, let’s take a look:

I left at 5 AM, 4 hours before the start of this 48 hour Ind40 chart. The chart gradually trends down at first, which would indicate the air gradually improving. The slower slope in the afternoon may be the 24h average/baseline decreasing, meaning that current readings are less different than the baseline. Absent new VOCs being introduced, one would expect it to converge to 100 after 24 hours.

I don’t know of anything that happened at about 5 PM on day 1. I don’t have an explanation for that increase. I can’t see 1-minute historical readings in the dashboard, but the 5 minute pattern is interesting. The entire increase appears in 1 5-minute data point, but the reading prior to that is significantly lower than any of the prior readings. It goes like this:

17:00: 42 (and for 1+ hour before, every 5 minute avg is 40-45)

17:05: 30 . You can just barely see this as a single chart data point that’s lower than the rest.

17:10: 104 (and stays at 80-120 for 24+ hours after)

This makes me curious whether there might be a short-term sensor resistance change that can manifest this way. Obviously it could very well be a change in the VOC levels, but it’s a little odd that after 12+ hours of expected readings, there’s suddenly the largest drop and then increase. Again, no human activity or air exchange during this time.

That 80-120 range continues through most of day 2. I got home at 9 PM. The increase at 9:45 PM correlates with toasting bread in another room (with some airflow between them) and also with starting to occupy the room with the sensor.

The spike at 7:30 AM (day 3, effectively) also correlates with using the toaster oven.

This is a lot closer to what I want AirGradient to show: changes relative to a known baseline, preferably a stable baseline. As we’ve discussed elsewhere, right now the AG’s baseline isn’t stable… but I was able to partially “fool” it for 24 hours and the data points are a lot more interesting. Although I still don’t know absolute values, at least for the first 12-24 hours after I got back, I know roughly what 100 means: it’s the background level with no human interaction or air.

If I could freeze/calibrate my baseline 100 to that, I would do so. If I could freeze my baseline to outside air (then see how it changes when I move the sensor indoors), I’d do that and be thrilled :slight_smile:

That looks like a reboot to me, which resets the baseline. Not sure how to confirm this though. The AirGradient Arduino code does sent a “boot” field that counts up each time it reports to the Dashboard since boot, and if it restarted, it would set the Boot value back to 0 (or maybe 1, I can’t remember) and start counting back up, but I don’t see a way to view this in the Dashboard.

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@troy please pm me your sensor id and I can check for the reboot on our server.

We are also conducting experiments right now and are in touch with a few experts for some very comprehensive coverage that we plan on VOCs.

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I think this could potentially be possible with both the raw signal as well as changing the default settings of the index. This is one of the things we as looking in.

@troy this is the boot count. When it goes down to 0 indicates a reboot.

I hope that helps.

Thanks. Any idea why the sensor reboots so often? I’ve moved it 3-4 times, so 3-5 of those were triggered by me, but at least half aren’t.

I wouldn’t care about reboots except that apparently it resets the TVOC scale and isn’t shown anywhere on the charts. I guess I’d also say that, if a reboot resets the TVOC scale, each reboot should appear on the chart.


We have monitors that have much longer uptime, here around 10-15 days between reboots:

It happens more frequently on congested WiFi networks because we reset the hw watchdog after successful transmission of data.

Interesting. AFAIK, my wifi is not congested. I can stream 4K with no buffering, and the latency and packet loss to my gateway and to other Internet destinations are low and consistent.

If the sensor is submitting data to, looks like I reach that from Comcast → Arelion/AS 1299 (the part that was formerly Telia, I think) → DigitalOcean/AS 14061 (Singapore POP, I think). It is traversing most of the world, though, so the RTT is ~220 ms. There’s no packet loss and no more jitter than I’d expect from a path that long.

Any chance the watchdog might be sensitive to latency that is reasonable for physically long paths, and think it needs to reboot?