AirGradient Forum

Display and LEDs not auto dimming at night - Air Gradient One

I have an AG Out and an AG One, both linked in with Home Assistant.

I have set up the LED / display settings for the One to dim between 23:00 and 08:00 and saved the settings, but nothing changes when night time kicks in.

After 23:00, the LEDs and Display are still at the same brightness (both at 90%) that they are during the day.

Is HA somehow overriding the AG settings, or have I missed something?

When you add the device in HomeAssistant, it changed the Configuration Source to Local, which lets HA have full control of the device, but means it won’t follow the settings from the dashboard.

In HA, go to Devices and Services, find your AirGradient, and change the source back to Cloud and the LED settings will respond to the Dashboard.


Just done that, and all the configuration entities became instantly unavailable. So it looks like it’s sorted OK.

Thanks! That answered my question I’ve had for some time also. I just didn’t realize I had this issue since installing HA.