AirGradient Forum

Disable adjust PM messurements (over night)


I just got my Air Gradient One and I really love the device! Particularly thr easy setup and flexable ways to get the data.

I ran into one issue: I want to use the device in my bedroom but currently the flashes from (i assume) the PM messurements wake me up/ keep me awake.

My solution would be to allow the frequency of the PM messurements to be adjusted via API or HA so I could create a automation.

Before diving into writing a custom firmware I wanted to ask if someone already done this or anything similar?

Thanks for your help!

Just to clarify. You mean not the LEDs flashing but inside?

This is probably the CO2 sensor that flashes to do the measurement. It should be extremely faint and normally not really be recognizable. I am not sure if your unit has a problem or is your room pitch black / you are very sensible on light?

Yes some light flashing from the inside. I turned off the display and the leds outside.

It is in a completely dark room and I might be more sensitive to lights.

I placed it on a different wall, now it is less noticable.

I will see if I get used to it.

Thanks for the hint, that it is probably the CO2 sensor!

I have no reference how bright it is supposed to be, but I would say it probably works correctly since it is not noticable if there is another light source in the room.