AirGradient Forum

Difference in readings ?

Hi, I’ve got two I-9PSL sat next to one another and they are both different in readings Screenshot 2024-11-20 at 16.13.17
both are kits and one was setup on the 9th nov the other today 20th nov

the one i got today seems to high on temp by 5 degrees and low on humidity by about 9%

any reason for this ?


Most likely you swapped the SHT and SGP module. Make sure that the SHT40 is installed on the bottom left of the board.
If it’s on the top where the SGP is supposed to be, it gets exposed to much higher internal heat.

Hi, The SHT and SGP are correct, i assembled one just a few weeks before hand so i was aware of the blue SHT on the bottom and the purple SGP on the top.

We have tested thousands of SHT40 sensors through our test chamber and I think pretty much never had one that was that much off.

I am still pretty sure it’s swapped or that the vents blocked etc.

Please double check on your side and if you still cannot identify the problem, contact our support and we will send you a free replacement.

what i can try tomorrow is to switch the SHT on both sensors and see what that shows.

Apologies it seems you were correct and my eye sight is worse than i thought lol

i went to swap them and see that they were wrong on the second unit, the funny thing is i did check it again when i had the wrong reading earlier so i made the mistake twice, good spot though on your part and thanks for the quick reply.
