AirGradient Forum

Device disappears from map when PM2.5 = 0

I’ve noticed that when the PM2.5 readings from my AirGradient Outdoor drop to 0, the device disappears from the AirGradient Map entirely. Instead, I’d expect it to show 0. Is this a bug on the map or am I missing something?

The device is still sending the other data points and I have confirmed that a 0 reading for PM2.5 is plausible - prior to that the value had been very low so I believe it’s correct.

Please contact our support with your sensor serial number so that we can have a look.

Hi @matt , we have checked the map code and there is indeed a minor bug causing this issue. It will be fixed in the nearest future.
Thanks for you help and patience!

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No problem, thanks for getting back to me and sorry I hadn’t had a chance to raise a support ticket yet.