AirGradient Forum

Delete “place” from dashboard

I might be missing the setting, but is it possible to delete a “Place” from the dashboard? Somehow I ended up with two named “Home” and one without any sensors/locations attached that seems to always be the default when I load the dashboard. I’d like to delete it.

Do you really mean “Place” or “Location”?

I don’t have any Places defined and looks like I would have to pay more to enable the ability to use Places.

If you are looking at Locations, those can be deleted using the three dots under Actions


Yes, I believe “Locations” are tied to “Places” (and “Sensors” are tied to “Locations”)


A GET on returns 2 objects:

        "id": <id-1>, # not sure if these are sensistive...
        "name": "Home",
        "id": <id-2>,
        "name": "Home",

I thought maybe a DELETE on /places/<id> would do the trick but, doesn’t seem supported/implemented.

My understanding is that “Locations” give you the ability to change out a “Sensor” if it fails and keep tracking data for the “Location”

Might have to e-mail support to get the best answer to that one. On the Hardware section, you can “Edit Sensor” and change the serial number which I think would accomplish what you are trying to do, swap a sensor and keep historic information.

I was able to PUT a new name on the empty “Place” which fixes most of the problem of not being able to tell the difference:

Yes please message us through our support form and give the placeID you like to delete.

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I have two sets of monitors in two different geos. I’d like to use places to group the monitors. I’ve created groups but that does not distinguish between locations.

It appears as if the the location pull down is what I need. However, it only has one location listed and an option to refresh.

Is there a missing UI component that allows editing Places and associated monitors to those locations, or do you have to make primitive REST calls (PUT/POST/PATCH/DELETE)?

@Achim_AirGradient any guidance on the Places issue I described above?