AirGradient Forum

Custom build options?

Is it possible to self build a unit with the gas sensors (CO2 and TVOC/NOx) and both a 2.5 and 1.0 particle sensor? My son and I can solder and we have a large 3D printer, so we could follow a plan to do the wiring and design/print a larger enclosure or breadboard.

The Plantower PMS5003 already puts out PM1, PM2.5 and PM10. So you dont need seperate sensors.

That is the great part about this being an open project. You can use the same schematics to either create your own board, or wire it up on a breadboard or straight wiring, and leverage the same code or ESPHome configs.

As mentioned, the PMS5003 sensor does multiple PM levels, so you don’t need separate sensors. But you can add or remove whatever you want, as long as you are able to modify whatever code to support it.