Connection issues after restarting modem/router

I had the monitor set up and was getting data on my dashboard, I rebooted my modem, and now the monitor appears to be re-connected ( steady blue light), but the dashboard says no device is connected. But it is powered on, shows steady internet connection, my modem admin panel shows it is connected and transmitting, I do not understand why it is not connecting to dashboard… I am not a tech wizard, this is either something simple I am overlooking or something complex I can’t figure out. I did not have an easy time getting it to connect the firs time, but was thrilled to be getting reading the past 36 hours, please help.
(Yes, I tried logging out and back in again)
Is there a security issue where the neighbors can hack into the air monitor?

ok- I got it to work again, but by adding it again, so now there are two monitor data charts, but only one monitor. I hope I do not have to re-add it back anytime I reboot my router/modem, because I usually do that eery 24-48 hours.

Please contact us through our support form. We can then make a trouble shooting call and address all issues you have.

Thank you. I may do that at some point but for a different potential issue.
I have since rebooted my router/modem several times without any issues in reconnection with the air gradient unit. It may have been a user error? (aka. me being an idiot) Because I can only access the dashboard on my iPhone through the QR reading app. It’s not ideal, but I need to be able to check it frequently via my phone. I access it mostly through that and not the desktop dashboard. I am still getting to know both those access points capabilities.