AirGradient Forum

CO2 Calibration without AirGradient App/Cloud

Is there a way to trigger this manually without the cloud?

I don’t see one but I could be looking in the wrong place.

  "country": "US",
  "pmStandard": "ugm3",
  "ledBarMode": "co2",
  "abcDays": 90,
  "tvocLearningOffset": 120,
  "noxLearningOffset": 120,
  "mqttBrokerUrl": "",
  "temperatureUnit": "f",
  "configurationControl": "both",
  "postDataToAirGradient": true,
  "ledBarBrightness": 100,
  "displayBrightness": 100,
  "offlineMode": false,
  "monitorDisplayCompensatedValues": false,
  "model": "I-9PSL-DE",
  "corrections": {
    "pm02": {
      "correctionAlgorithm": "slr_PMS5003_20240104",
      "slr": {
        "intercept": 0,
        "scalingFactor": 0.02896,
        "useEpa2021": true

Yes, have a look here under “Set configuration parameters”.

Thank you I see it now!

co2CalibrationRequested	Can be set to trigger a calibration.	Boolean	true: CO2 calibration (400ppm) will be triggered	{"co2CalibrationRequested": true}