AirGradient Forum

Can't configure automation on "VOC index value" with Home Assistant native integration

I’m trying to configure an automation that sends a notification when the “VOC index” value that the new native Home Assistant integration supplies, but when creating an “if” condition in the visual editor for this automation in Home Assistant, the “Above” and “Below” fields don’t show when this attribute is selected. Other attributes do behave as expected. Interestingly, the NOx index also has the same problem.

When adding the condition, select “state”, then “numeric state”. Don’t add a “device” condition.

So setting it manually via YAML worked.

Here is the view when the “VOC index” field is selected:

Selecting eg: PM concentration level shows “above” and “below” fields:

(The “NOx index” attribute has the same issue)

Is the integration exposing the “VOC index” as non-numeric? Although using YAML to set above: 123 works, so the issue seems more complex than that.

HA is the latest version as of this post.